10 months, 21K Posts, 900 Followers and $21K Up. Who Needs Facebook Anymore?

Days of no resteem

When I first joined Steemit in August last year @craig-grant was a dolphin and there was no resteem button. Steem was around $0.24 and there was no moon to attain. Ethereum was a young pup and Bitcoin was just under $1000. I was sick of mining and looking for something a bit different apart from Ethereum - and boy did I find it in Steemit!


Steeming on

I continued to steem on as the price plummeted to $0.06, as I knew Steemit had an excellent product - all they needed was a rabid new audience - which we are finding now as our market cap soars past the $500 million mark.

So how did I find Steemit? Well, I looked at the market caps one day and there to my surprise was a new cryptocoin called Steem - which had an app called Steemit. Steemit was almost like a super block explorer with bells and whistles on. It really looked like a fancy crypto ship to board. Not quite the Ethereum spaceship, but time would tell.

Courtesty of @jangaladesigns

Something really special

When I first logged in to Steemit I knew this platform was something special, as I seen every cryptocoin going and this was something different. I knew if I had the staying power it would come good in the end.

Fast forward to today and we've now reached that point as steem has now passed $2 a coin and our next stop is our $4 - our all time high. I can see us smashing that in the coming months.

If your new to Steemit and reading this, then the best advice I can give you it to always speak from the heart, and you'll always find an audience on here. Don't hold back and you'll know the true meaning of 'Steem on!' I wish you all the success that the platform has brought me. Thank you to all my followers for your support.

As we always say on Steemit ... "Steem on!" ....


P.S. If your reading this article from outside of Steemit and wish to sign up, then please click below (you won't regret it!):


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