Add-on value to increase Steemit ability, six suggestions (增加 Steemit 能力的6項建議)

Hello , let me pay about my 6 ideas what  to increase Steemit ability.

Multi-languages Menu 多語言菜單

Friendly multi-languages support (example: add Asia language menu) Let more users can join the network, Steemit should become more effective in acquiring attention. A similar amount of SP on

the more mature so only need a piece of content to reach the attention of more users on it, more new users can increasing more value of each STEEM.  

加入亞洲語系的菜單, 让更多的用户可以加入网络,Steemit应該會更有效的受到关注。 只需要原來SP数额上的一小部份就能接触更多用户的关注了,更多用戶能增加每个 STEEM 的价值。

Interaction contents ( 互動的內容 )

As well, a larger user base generates more interaction contents in circulation, increasing the total amount of attention 

Suggest to let user make self new applications and markets, Steemit will may eventually become a de-facto currency.



Help to integrated contents for share ( 整合內容 )

All author may use own posts,like as: Messages, Pictures, Comments, maybe have some user up-votes, those posts will gain greater visibility in the stream of shares-peoples friends - and in adjacent, connected areas of the network through them. 

所有作者可以使用自己的帖子,就像:信息,图片,评论,也许有一些用户的选票,这些帖子将股舞讀友們通过他们与社區网络的连接, 获得更大的知名度. 

allow use posts (允許使用帖子帮助传播)

A reader also allow use his follower’s( or friends )posts in such a manner, helping to propagate the friends’ messages. So group of friends may band around a common interest together, make sure it is heard as it reaches more of their collective it.


Invested by his peers(接受投资)

The originator of Steemit service may receive a portion of the STEEMs invested by his peers. a small parts will be used for develop

3rd party sub-applications.

Steemit 服務的原創者可以接受的一部分同行们的投资。一小部分将用于开发第三方子应用;

Donating to the Web service (捐出存储和带宽给云应用程序)

The supporter can donating their storage and bandwidth to the Web service for applications. 

To guide the majority of Steem-Dollars go to those who are

always exposed to the content, compensating them for paid time and attention.



If my ideas not so good, give me chance for next time.

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