Vote or Tip by QR Code! A possible REVOLUTION?

Thanks to a great Post I got an Idea!!!

Generating QR codes for posts, Your say walking down the street and stopping by a street performer and loving he's Singing, Art, talent etc... You would like to give him a dollar to show appreciation of the work he does but either you need the money that's in your pocket or you have no cash with you, but you really wish you could give something to him!

The solution is the Steemit Post QR Code.

All that the street performer has to do is to share he's story on steemit and create a QR code for the post, print it on a piece of paper and start steeming !

People will be able to use their phone to quick scan the code that will do one of the following:
Open the browser app and take them to He's Post so that they can easily Up Vote!
Even better launch the dedicated steemit app ( I hope soon to be developed) and let them vote there!

Take your phone, Scan, Vote Up! SIMPLE!


  • performers will earn more and get heard

  • people will easier make the decision to give money to someone in need

  • people with no money / poor will also be able to contribute!

  • It will make donations more frequent due to the simplicity of it!

  • Beggars can also apply this, someone could manage their funds/profile instead of them, an organization for example


  • Nothing here, Read On!

I put street performers here as an example, Imagine the use of this implemented in other things as well, like Charities, Fund raising, Tipping, helping people in need, building hospitals... you name it!This could be implemented almost anywhere! It drives new users to the platform while doing all of us GOOD! This could sky rocket steem up and beyond what we can Imagine!

Scan any of these and it will take you to the post I got the inspiration from! Below are different "design" versions


Awesome right!

How to make these:

  • The Simple One
    Go to , put your link in and generate!
  • Don't change the color from black to others, It will make it harder to scan
  • The Dynamic one means that you can change whenever you want what should that QR Code link to instead of making a new one for each new Link (but that costs)
  • The Fancy One with Logo
    First download the png FilesHerethan go to put your link in, Next, Image style 1st. all colors set to black Transparent Yes/No, Size: 15 -Recommended select image and upload one of the styles I have provided and click Generate!
  • Click the 1 to expand the tab where you can add the link
  • Always use black color
  • Size depends on what you wanna print it/ how to use it, my recommendation is 15 -Normal 30 -Large
  • The app will give you an error if you try to scan it if png. is ticked on(don't worry that's an app issue) also tick png. only if you really need it in png. format (transparent background).

Use: to test it! (It will display an error if you upload a png. file with transparent background!)

Possible Real World Usage Examples!

Street art

Street Performer

Street Musician
They are promoting steemit while giving people a free way to give them some money!

Haiti 2010 -The Earthquake

Just imagine that someone's simple thumb up could rebuild all this!

Example of humanitarian organizations using steem in natural disasters...

Image Source:
Wiki, Wiki, Flickr Images labeled for free reuse without credit.
Credited Image:Link

Have a nice Day and Thanks For Reading!

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