Steemit Facebook Advertising Campaign - Sponsored by @timcliff


Last week, I had a discussion with @timcliff about ways of promoting Steemit on the internet. We discussed many strategies, ideas and ways to get more people to start exploring the world of Steemit. Let me just take a step backward and explain why I was interested in that talk. I was interested in that talk as I've been an internet marketer since 2009 and I've had this Steemit account for quite some time, but it wasn't until recently that I decided to start being an active member of the community, started writing about things I'm interested in, things I love, and started sharing more about myself.

I've personally owned / operated more than 25 websites/ blogs in the past 8 years (client websites are a different story). These websites were in many different niches and I've built them for many different purposes. The thing is, I never really had the BALLS to start writing about stuff which interest me personally. I've always been a shy person, unable to express myself on so many different levels... but here I am! I'm openly talking about my life experiences and sharing my thoughts with all of you.

Now back to the topic. Ahem, Facebook Marketing.

So my discussion with @timcliff included many suggestions for creating an advertising campaign on Facebook. I've had the opportunity to work on campaigns related to different niches, markets, promoted many different products, businesses, causes, and so on and so forth. So Tim offered me the chance to take care of that campaign, and I instantly accepted the offer.

I'm interested in working on Steemit marketing as I think of it as a great blogging / publishing platform that can make a great impact in today's world of social media. I sometimes think of Steemit as a baby product that's just starting to be found / known / tested by it's consumers. Steemit as a brand / product has a lot of room for expansion. If you compare it with popular blogging platforms existing today, like WordPress or Blogger, you'll instantly notice that it's lacking a lot of features. However, it still was able to attract thousands and thousands of users, hundreds and hundreds of active accounts, and almost 200,000 user accounts (I just learned about that from @fyrstikken at SteemSpeak, we're only a couple days from hitting 200,000 users, WTG!).

With no further duo. Let't take a look at the campaign.

This campaign is currently in the testing phase, I'm doing different tests targeting multiple countries for the same demographics, currently targeting people who are interested in WordPress as I believe it's Steemit's biggest rival.

Targeted demographics are as follows:

Age: 18 - 45
Gender: All
Languages: English (All)
Targeted countries: United States / Canada / Ireland / United Kingdom / Australia / New Zealand

At the moment, the campaign is running on a very small budget ($5/day per country) bidding up to $0.5 per click. This is of course for many reasons.

  • First reason is to see whether it's possible at all to get clicks for less than 50 cents in these high-competition countries.
  • Second reason is to see how the current Ad would perform, if we're able to get some clicks / reach.

So far, it seems that the Ad won't be served to neither USA / Canada as the bid is is very low (as expected). So I'm going to give it another 24 hours to see whether Facebook will serve any ads, if not, the two campaigns will be paused.

Also, after 24 hours I'll be going to increase the daily budget to $10 per day per ad in the other 4 countries in order to hopefully be able to get more clicks / reach, which eventually should start decreasing the cost of each click if the Ad starts performing well.

Below is a screenshot of the Ad sets currently running:


So this Ad has been running for less than 24 hours and it looks like I'll be pushing the ads for IE / AU / UK and possibly NZ if it starts showing some heat. At this stage it's very hard to tell which one of them will be winning, but we shall see.

Below is how the ad currently looks like:


So my fellow Steemians, we shall see how this fun experiment goes!

One other thing I'd like to mention. I had to create a new page for Steemit in order to start running ads. I invite you join this newly created Facebook page and tell everyone how did you find Steemit and your overall experience. There are many Steemit groups/pages on Facebook but I've noticed that most of them are concentrated on post promotion. This page should be different. With enough people joining, we can make a change!

You can find this page right here: Steemit on Facebook

Let the fun begin. I'll be posting more updates about this campaign, probably next week.

Of course if you support this project, please resteem / upvote and follow me to keep updated.

Until another post.. Steem on!

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