Stupid Comments

Alright y'all, today's rant is about well…stupid fucking comments. I know we're growing here at Steemit and that's awesome! However, I've seen a huge influx of stupid unnecessary, unrelated, irrelevant, or saying the exact same thing as I am in my post or (comment) type of comments. Have you seen these? I'm not even talking about the lame "Followed you, so follow me back!" comments. No, I'm talking about the ones that come in like this…

Stupid comment somealaskaguy.png

WTF? That's eggzackly...what I just said!

And this…

Stupid comment xiobus.png

This was a post about sinkholes in Florida. Notice the relevant comment.

And this…

stupid comment euni.png

This was a post about genderless baby ID being issued in Canada...

Look folks, I don't even care if you wanna just comment with a stupid meme, hey I do it all the time. As long as it's related and it sounds like you read my article I'm cool with it! But the morons that go around posting useless spam comments thinking they are going to get upvoted & become rich…enjoy being poor I guess?! Stop being a fucking tool is what I'm trying to say. If you wanna comment, make a thoughtful comment, or don't comment at all. Add some freakin' value to the Steemit community & you will benefit. This is not a get rich quick scheme. To that I say...Full Steem Ahead!

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