Would you accept your wedding gift in Bitcoin?

I still remember when my best friend got engaged to her boyfriend and started planning for her wedding. I had been married for a few months now and the whole process of her wedding was very pleasing to me because it was a very luxurious wedding, something different from mine. During the process help her in hiding the theme for her wedding, invitations and other things. It was a very beautiful time.

During that time I was just beginning to learn about Bitcoin and other cryptones, it was a new world for me because I was very focused on digital marketing, my husband had more knowledge than I did in the crypto world. However I told her that our wedding gift was going to be in Bitcoin and she emphatically told me that she did not accept it because she did not know what it was and even thought it was a virus or something haha. In the end I ended up giving a trip to the Spa that cost me at that time $ 80, which is nothing compared to the price of Bitcoin today.

Yesterday she sent me a private message on Facebook and she told me that she has seen my posts on Bitcoin, of course I wonder if that was going to be her wedding gift (apparently she remembered), I would comment that yes. If she had accepted the Bitcoin that she was going to give her today she would have had a good portfolio. That reminded me of this phrase that my dad repeats:

"On horseback, do not look at the tooth." - Unknown author.

Life takes many turns and if we despise what they offer us maybe it can be a big mistake in the future, for the simple fact of not knowing what it is. I go back and I repeat education is important in everyone's life.

That's all there, see you in my next post and thank you for being part of my beautiful community.

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