Steemit #reviewme Tag - Take Your Posts To New Heights

Have you ever wondered if the content you were producing on steemit was up to scratch ? I have often wondered this, Its easy to blame whales or whatever else for your lack in success on steemit but have you ever done a introspection to see if your content was worth the vote ?

Get Reviewed By Your Peers

So here is the Idea I would like to propose to the Steemit community, let us make use of a #reviewme tag which will encourage others in the community to review your work and to give you a honest opinion on what they see before them, this will then give you an idea if what you are producing is any good, what needs to change and if there is anything you need to add, perhaps even the subject matter you use may even be a problem or how you tag your posts.

How Should The Tag Be Used

Whenever you would like your content reviewed simply place the #reviewme tag in your tags section and in the end of your post perhaps write a short sentence saying some like "Please Review My Post And Leave Your Advice In My Comments #reviewme"

Reviewing Content

When reviewing a peers post, please be honest but do no be harsh please keep the following content guideline in mind.

  1. Content must be unique and not found anywhere else on the internet.
  2. Images should preferably be linked to source.
  3. Does the post convey the intended message.
  4. Check if the post is tagged correctly.
  5. Do give your opinion used on the post title.

Any Other Suggestions Are Welcome :)

Please Follow Me @mrgrey

Please Review My Post And Leave Your Advice In My Comments #reviewme

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