Car Problems Drain Your Spirits, Pockets & Can Kill Your Weekend Too. Here's My Current Situation Via Youtube..

Special Thanks To The Following Users Contributions and Donations
This list will be updated thru out the life of this post
Of all the problems I've been dealing with.. this is by far, the most jacked up accumulation of problems currently, GRINDING MY GEARS
My car alarm tends to drain my battery when I don't use my vehicle for a full 24 hours. Over the past year or so, I find myself stuck like chuck.. having to get somebody to help me jump it so I can go about my business. As of this week... my battery is no longer carrying a charge.. I can drive my vehicle to my destination but only because the alternator is keeping the stupid battery alive while the vehicle is on.
To add to the list of problems...

Shit Currently Hitting The Fan
- New battery $120 - $200 USD
- whatever the part is to provide extra power source for my car alarm
- Vehicle Registration & Instpection
- Warrant for being a dumbass and not showing up in court
- tread worn out on the tires
- Meteor hitting my side view mirror (or the jealous ex of this chic... doing something stupid to it)
- Cost of labor for some of these issues (Check engine light is on.. which is why I haven't been able to pass inspection)

This is a crowdfunding request to everybody on Steemit & Bitshares
Aside from the cost of a new battery at autozone. I have no idea what total price I'm looking at.. but I do know that I'm currently stuck in my bedroom unable to drive me or my son anywhere we should or want to go. If only I had the money to just get a brand new truck all together.. but ehhh, I don't see that happening anytime soon.. so let's just hope for the best.
Me and @bycompoundfilms will be offering everyone who can contribute at least $50 USD in value, a COMPOUND FILMS Tshirt.

Any donations made in Steem or SBD thru Steemit.. Please leave a message in the memo so we can keep for reference when it comes time for the next video and allows me to know the amount contributed. My bitshares account is mrwang01 but I don't expect to receive anything on there.. but if you do use that method.. please don't hesitate to contact me directly on discord, as @mrwang and/or find me on the bitshares telegram chat as well.
Please upvote, resteem and share this video with your followers and ask them to contribute to this crowdfund. Leave any creative comments, feedback, advice, tips and tricks that might in fact, help me get all this bullcrap taken care of asap.
Thank you for checking out this post, watching the video and contributing what you can.. Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channels as well..
Till Next Time... Adios Amigos
Don't forget to check out the rest of our production team...
@bycompoundfilms, @steemitafterdark, @brownhogg, @comediantrump, @mrwang, @xtrodinarypilot, @steemitafterdark @bettystunner
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