My Steemit Marketing SEO promotion plan, hoping to get Steemit (CN) support / 我的Steemit SEO 推广计划,希望得到Steemit (CN)的支持

My Steemit Marketing Plan I and My Steemit Marketing Plan II

Starting today, I will start doing Steemit the SEO plan, my plan 1, how to help steemit introduction of 20-50 million users traffic is the need to invest real money, unless the market steemit let me do, and I give them also sent a letter, but did not reply, that the market steemit not enough attention.
I must first use the traditional method of SEO, social networking promotion, rather than buying the traffic plan, how to do it? First, I need to get all authors Steemit / CN region

Because I need the information (you wrote the article), for example, I want to refer to the large watermelon @myfirst,

1. The title of the article would be "a big watermelon, sold $ 150 steemit"

2. I want to reference sweetheart article, the article title will be "a talented Chinese pretty girl, how to earn $ 6000 by Steemit"


3. I would like to quote ace108 of moon cake, the article title will be "eat a box of moon cake, earn $ 100"


4. elfkitchen's The Delicious Food Smoked bacon



I maybe need to use your images and content, but I will do anti-link your account to follow, you will go to external traffic links,These articles will be distributed to popular social networks, such as pinterest, deviantart, facebook and more etc., I will write to different sites based on the type of article

If you support my plan, or want to be SEO, please leave a message,Your most successful articles steemit.

Thank you for support!

我只能先用传统的SEO方法,社交网络推广,而不是购买流量计划,如何去做? 首先我需要得到CN区所有的作者支持
因为我需要资料(你们写过的文章), 比如我要引用@myfirst的大西瓜,

  1. 文章的标题会是 “一个大西瓜,卖了$150在steemit" ,
  2. 我要引用甜心的文章, 文章标题会是 “一个有才华的中国漂亮姑娘,如何在Steemit赚到$6000",
  3. 我要引用ace108的月饼, 文章标题会是 ”吃一盒月饼,赚取$100"
  4. elfkitchen的The Delicious Food Smoked bacon - 舌尖上的苗寨 烟熏腊肉 一篇文章赚到$200

我需要用到你们的图像和内容, 但我会把反链接做follow到你们的账号,外部访问流量会到你们的链接
这些文章会被分发至流行的国外社交网络,比如pinterest, deviantart, facebook等等,我会根据文章类型写到不同的网站, 如果你支持我的SEO计划,或者想被SEO,可以消息给我,或者写下你的最成功文章地址,当然,如果你们不想被我抓取文章,也请在这回复,特别是CN区的作者,首先这些文章不会先在国内发布,因为目前国内注册问题还没解决


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