New Features "promoted" Reviews / 新功能promoted的点评

Today Steemit have new features, many steemters also wrote a related article describes, A few hours have passed, I was in the observation, First of all, I must say that this is a new idea, Similar to google adwords PPC,Very COOL, like Google, Top ranking very cheap, top just 100 SDB

Second 77 SDB

The first page last only 20SDB

what circumstances the use promoted?
When you have a very good idea, Useful articles to other users,Or to promote a product, you need to promote business

Today is the first day, the Home of the highest bid is 100 SDB, with the increase in users, It may increase to bid 500-1000 SDB,And it will be higher the more
if your article is of low quality, and use this feature,Otherwise, even if you spend money to the first, not necessarily someone is willing to upvote.

I noticed that these days the big whale's upvote reduction in praise, perhaps in reducing steem fell selling pressure, which is good is like.
Steemit team developed the idea,I believe there will be more and more new ideas to help develop steemit,
retain customers, produce high-quality articles, let us work together to steemit!

今天看到了steemit又推出新的功能,许多steemters 也写了相关的文章介绍,从promoted上线开始,我就在观察,
首先我要说的是这是一个新的创意,类似于google adwords的竞价排名,非常不错, 目前的情况就相当于Google当初一样,排上首页很便宜,置顶只需100SDB, 排第二也只需不到80SDB, 排第一页只需20SDB.
什么样的情况下该使用promoted 推广?
当你有非常好的想法,认为对别人有帮助的文章,或者是推广某个产品,你需要推广,今天排首页的价格是100SDB, 随着用户的增加, 这个竞价排名可能会到500-1000SDB, 而且会被越推越高。
前提是你的文章必须是非常有创意,对其它用户, 否则即使你花钱排上第一位,也不一定有人愿意点赞

我注意到这几天大鲸鱼们的点赞在减少,或许在减轻steem的下跌抛压, 这是好的现像.
Steemit团队开发出的这个创意还有哪些,相信会有越来越多的新创意,帮助发展steemit,留住用户,产生高质量的文章, 让我们一起努力为steemit

How to promote your article on steemit? I tell you!

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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