10 Reasons to Start Using Esteem

From one of Steemit's 13 year old bloggers

Hey Steemers today I will be telling you 10 reasons to start using the Esteem app. Before I begin you need know what Esteem is? Esteem is an app that was created by @good-karma. It is an app on Android and IOS devices. You use it like Steemit but it's an app so it's a bit different and has a lot of pros.

  1. The Esteem app tells you what your voting power is without going searching on google. All you do is go to your blog and it shows you right there.

  1. The Esteem app also shows all the people that voted you instead of only the first 20 on the Steemit website. All you do is go to one of your posts and then click the number of upvotes.

  1. You can get the percentage slider without getting 1m vests. Just hold down the upvote button.

  1. You can also give a super low vote. The lowest is 0.01% vote.

  1. Its quick and easy to download just go to the App Store or Play Store depending on what device you have and search Esteem. Then download!!

  1. On the Esteem app you can have 2 or more accounts and log on to them without even logging in. Just click add account.

  1. One of my favourites is scheduling your post. You can schedule posts for a certain time. It can be anytime it can even be when you are sleeping if you want.

  1. You can search hashtags and instead of looking through the list of hashtags.

  1. You can even draft out posts.

  1. The best part is that you might get a few upvotes by @good-karma and some other guys which will boost your post around $1 dollar which is awesome!!

If you have questions I could probably answer most questions about the Esteem app and if I can't @good-karma sure can because once again he invented the app.

Anyways so in my opinion this is one good app and very useful. I would suggest you download it today!! If you also like it we should thank @good-karma but doing posts like this to spread the word about the Esteem app!!

Did you download it?

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