Idea: Integrate Steemit into every day life

Hey all,
I was just thinking how cool it could be if Steemit could somehow be integrated into everyday, real life. What would this mean?

  • Did you take the time to make a fresh pot of coffee for everyone? Your co-workers could upvote you. "Good job Neo!"
  • Are you on the highway and you made room for someone trying to change lanes? They can upvote you! Maybe your car has a steemit account. @mycar-licensenum
  • Eating out at a restaurant? If the waiter gives you good service, upvote him! If he is rude to you, flag that guy!
  • Heck, a big whale going to a restaurant could probably get a free meal just by upvoting the whole place.

Yea..that would be totally pimp, let's get this thing going....

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