Hey Steemians, got another script for you today. Thats three in one day! We're on a roll here! This little script will allow you to hide all posts that are less than 15 minutes old. Pair this with my filter by reputation script and you really got a leg up on scoring big with curation rewards.
If you aren't already aware, there is a system that decides how much a user gets paid for curating content (aka upvoting). If you upvote a post after 15 minutes, you get at least 50% payout. After 30 minutes, the curation reward is 100% payout.
If this is confusing just remember this; voting for quality content that is more than several minutes old, that will likely get more votes later will give higher reward than voting on a post the minute it is posted.
Source Code
How to use
The easiest method for installation is to install TamperMonkey for Chrome, or TamperMonkey for Firefox. Once you have the extension installed, visit the source code link and click the "Raw Source" button. TamperMonkey should open and allow you to install the user script. (Firefox users will have to restart their browser after installing TamperMonkey)
The script is open source and I highly encourage peer-review. I use the scripts that I write myself. ALWAYS review user scripts before running in your browser.
How to contribute
- Go to my github repo and star + follow
- Submit issues on the github repo and mention which script and feature you want to see
- Donate to help encourage me to spend my free time doing more work :)
My other scripts you might enjoy
Until next time! Hope you enjoy the new colors on your followers page. If you really like it, perhaps we can get SteemIt to implement it site-wide!!!!!