Why this post doesn't have images

After writing my first introduction post without pics and receiving $0.03, and then reposting my intro with picks which earned $18.29, it quickly cemented in my mind the importance of having pics in my posts on Steemit. But you see, for me to include images in my posts is many times more difficult than the average Steemian.

Because I’m vision impaired and can’t see any of the images!

However, somehow it seemed to me that to have any kind of success on Steemit, there was a commonly accepted rule that your posts need to contain images; whether you’re writing a novel, or a philosophical piece, almost all the trending posts have images!

So, for the past few weeks of my Steemit life, I’ve been asking my wife to help me find suitable pics for my posts.

But this has become an extremely stressful process, because we have a two year old son, and my wife rarely has any time to rest during the day. Therefore she looks forward to the small amounts of time that she gets to rest and relax in the evening. You can imagine how annoying it is for her when I’m constantly interrupting her relaxation time, requesting her to find pics for me on Steemit. Thankfully, I’m blessed with a kind and generous wife. She loves me very much, and often tells me that she is happy to help me with whatever I need, especially with what I love doing. But I don’t want to be relying on her all the time.

Last night however, when like previous nights, I asked my wife for her help. But this time around, it was following a very exhausting week for her when my son and I had both been sick, and she had just recently become pregnant with our second child. So she blew up at me and became upset when I had taken up more than 40 minutes of her chill time.

And by the way, that post we worked so hard on all day earned us less than $1.

So this morning, I resolved to start writing about the topics I truly care about. No more stressing out about posts, no more fussing over optimum times to post my articles, and no more needing to find images for each post.

I’m going to start enjoying my time on Steemit.

O yes, again, do we really need images on each post?

For more posts without images, follow me @nextgen622


PS. Thanks @deanliu for the recommendation to post more Chinese articles. I will definitely do more of them in the future.

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