!!! Steemit Welcome Page Banner Design !!!

I present You my designer's solution for @timcliff 's calling; see the post here.

He desired one banner solution for Steemit Welcome Page that is rectangular shape and can be stretched/resized and one that can be tiled.

I present You my work!

Without welcome text (just the background).

With welcome text (everything can be changed or adjusted!)

I would like to explain my workflow:

Blocks of stones in the background present this blockchain. Lines are put as a symbol for people, interests, exchange of knowledge. It is all connected with Steemit.

Here is the tiled image I've created:

A single image that can be tiled.

Just one example of how it can be tiled.

It reminds me a bit of bees honneycomb and it describes steemit totally because we a a lot of working bees, here on steemit, we are a comunity working together!

Everything is vector graphics, RGB color. It can all be adjusted or improved if necessary.
I hope You like it!

Petra ( @oceansoul13 )

3 columns
2 columns
1 column