I write this post because I am having difficulties guiding the people I introduced to steemit. I'm very good in convincing people to believe in something, but I have a hard time following them up. I have been spreading the good news of steemit to all my friends, relatives, neighbours and others. Some of them have successfully registered, but handling all their questions is becoming a problem to me. 

I believe in steemit and I am working towards its growth in South-eastern Nigeria. Recently, I have introduced some people who haven't started doing anything because they don't know how to get started and I don't know how to help them either. You'll agree with me that steemit user interface is not as easy as other social networks, so people get a little bit confused after signing up. I can't handle answering all the questions they come up with. I also have my health to take care of. 

We have a lot of marketers, what we now need is a good follow up team

I did a post on facebook about steemit, and someone messaged me telling me to explain steemit more to him. He said he has already registered, but doesn't understand it. When I asked how he got to know about steemit, he said it was through a YouTube video. The video introduced him to steemit, but he still needs some assistance. 

Not knowing what to do could be the reason some people who registered here are inactive. I believe a lot of people have left steemit because they couldn't get along with the way things work here. I would have been among those that left in such manner because the person who introduced me to steemit didn't follow me up. He asked me to figure out things myself. I tried asking some questions in the general channel on steemit chat, but I was ignored. I had to spend weeks on google search before I stumbled on some posts that helped me to get started. Because it's not everyone that will be able to do such, that is the reason for this proposal. 

My Proposal 

I hereby make a proposal to steemit.com Inc. to set up Newbies Guiders. Some good steemians should be assigned the duty to properly guid newbies. There should be a channel on steemit chat where steemit marketers can direct all the potential users to. 

A simple break down of what I mean

1. Steemit should set up guiders to help our newbies.

2. The guiders should have a channel on steemit chat. 

3. There should be an appropriate means to reward these guiders.

4. Marketers should direct all the potential users to register on steemit chat and join the channel. 

5. The guiders should help them successfully create an account. 

4. The guiders should follow them up until they have fully understood how the community operates. 


I've been worried about telling more people about steemit because I can't handle those I've already introduced. If something like this can be established, I believe I'll put in more effort in recruiting more steemit users. I also believe that this will help a lot of people whose accounts are inactive to start participating fully.

This is just my own suggestion on what I think could help our newbies and encourage the growth of steemit. I'll be glad to have you share what you think would be best for this network. 

Please leave your suggestions in comments below. 

Special thanks to all those who have contributed to help the African/Nigerian community here.

If you are a Nigerian, always use the Nigerian tag for your posts. 

Images source: imgur.com

Thanks for Reading 

@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me. 

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