Celebrating 600 Followers By Powering Up!

Thank you to all my followers! I now have more than 600 followers on Steemit.


No, 600 is not a magic number. There’s nothing that happens at follower #600 that doesn’t also happen at #629. I appreciate each and every one of the people who decide to follow my blog. But 600 is a milestone, and this time I thought I would celebrate with more than just a milestone post.

I’ve been taking advantage of the high SBD prices lately to stock up on Steem. I managed to accumulate a little more than 143 Steem, and I just powered them up.

Powering up Steem lets me reward good content, which really means rewarding the creative people who make that content. Best of all, instead of costing me to dole out rewards, I can actually earn more rewards for that. It’s a win-win-win.

Powering Up To Reward My Readers

Lets make one thing clear: the number of followers anyone has doesn’t matter too much on its own. What matters is engagement! What matters about the number of followers a person has is how many of those followers are readers, upvoters, and commenters.


That’s why I powered up some more. I boosted my Steem Power by more than 10% and I plan to use that Steem Power to reward the Steemians who engage with my content.

I want to build engagement. I want to make a point of replying to comments on my posts. I want to make a point of upvoting my own engaged followers.

In short, I want to reward my readers.

Did you read my post and leave a thoughtful comment? Hey thanks, a bunch! Here’s an upvote and a reply. It’s the least I can do, and I encourage you to do the same thing with the people who read and comment on your own posts.

You can even boost your own curation rewards by front-running my upvotes in my comment section. Since you know I am going to upvote quality comments, you can look for them in my comment section and upvote them before I do. That makes your curation rewards higher, because you will earn a portion of my upvote. It also makes the good comments easier for me to find.

Follow My Curation Trail To Boost Your Own Rewards


Powering up will boost the raw numbers for my curation rewards. With more Steem Power, the reward amounts will be higher even if the rate of reward stays the same. But at the same time, I’ve been honing a strategy to maximize my curation reward rate, too.

You can follow my curation trail on Streemian if you want to take advantage of the analysis I’m doing and put your own Steem Power to work for you. (You can also follow me on Steem Auto, but I don’t have a direct link for that.)

Following my curation trail means that you will upvote the same things I do, automatically. It’s a completely hands-off way to build your Steem Power. Most Steem users don’t upvote nearly as much as they could, which leads to low (or no) curation rewards. Following a trail an easy way to fix that.

Following my curation trail means that you will be supporting fantastic content creators on Steem and that you will earn curation rewards at a similar rate I do. Streemian allows you to decide whether to follow comment upvoting or not. SteemAuto’s curation trail does not follow comment votes.


3 Simple Steps For You To Earn More Steem Power

  1. Follow my curation trail – earn curation rewards with auto-voting
  2. Comment on my posts – earn author rewards by leaving a thoughtful comment
  3. Upvote comments on my posts – grab a chunk of my upvote by front-running my comment curation

Thanks, now lets get to it!


Keep on Steemin'!

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