Steem linkback bot update: v0.2 release

This is a first update of @linkback-bot-v0. Read more about linkbacks in the introduction post. After an initial test run I made some improvements:

  • Incoming links in comments are now sorted by created datetime starting from the latest entry.
  • Author names are now prominently featured.
  • Performance and parsing accuracy improvements.

I'll be starting a second test run shortly.

Personalized analytics

If you are interested in personalized analytics for your Steem posts or have any suggestions for the linkback bot get in touch with me (@ontofractal) on

Why build a linkback bot for Steem?

  • To increase follower counts of related authors by providing additional discovery mechanism
  • To increase payouts for authors of high quality collections and authors whose posts are included in these collections
  • To increase of number of posts linking out by providing incentives to do so
  • To increase number of views per visit and time spent interacting with Steem
  • To increase traffic from search engines
  • For fun and profit


Linkback bot is under active development.

  • Post language detection and bot i18n
  • Explore including links from comments with while accounting for signal/noise ratio
  • Author analytics
  • Personal analytics
  • Tag analytics
  • Mention and linkbacks notifications by twitter, etc
  • Possible link weighting by rewards
  • Spam prevention features
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1 column