Whales vs Minnows, Acceptance, Gratitude, Humility What Truly Matters in Life?


In the dance of life what truly matters? There is much conversation on this platform of supremacy of hierarchy. The 'whales' being at the top of the pile with more influence and money, standing on the backs of the many 'minnows'. This pyramid mirrors our current capitalist economic system which is piece by piece gobbling up our common resources for the benefit of a few. Is this equally beneficial? Obviously not, but ask yourself ' Why are you here at steemit?' I happened upon this platform and love how engaged and immediate our interactions are as a community. So love the experience. If you came to this platform to immediately profit then I am afraid you may be disappointed in the process. (Unless you are young female and photogenic, which is an immediate plus on the status matrix here.) I am not complaining just accepting what is so. In my world, engagement and sharing with other sentient beings is of high value, material trappings after your basic necessities are met are superfluous and transitory.


Pushing 6 decades of life I have come to accept that my choices in life to live simply and focus on gardening and local community affairs leaves me in the small fish category among the 'whales'. We all come in naked and go out the same way, material trappings and comforts are part of the illusion we have been sold by the capitalist society running the show. We made up the current social conditions and they are temporary..... life evolves, society evolves, NOW is and ever changing. Although I wish I could be an observer for a longer period of time, like a giant sequoia, a human experience is what I get, longer then a fruit fly, but not nearly long enough when you get to live on such a beautiful planet so full of life and complexities.


I am filled with love and gratitude, being part of life on Earth in the present moment. I see and feel this planet as my Mother, the source of all the nurturing which has been gifted to me by life. The real 'whales' of life, swim in our beloved oceans and sing songs of communion across legions of the seas. Those are the whales that stir my inner being to ecstasy. I accept the fact that I am but a fish in a infinite pond, enjoying existence with the other fish.

Dance in the life you find yourself in. oc

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