Disagreements, Name Calling, and Accusations - Code Of Conduct

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What a week it has been for Steemit.com.


A few days ago, I watched the video from a Whale who posted about his displeasure in the Whaleshares project. While I can appreciate his right to disagree, I don't agree with his approach and characterization of those who support this project.

Making blanket statements about people he doesn't know and calling them shameful is not productive to this community.


Yesterday, Matt released his 'Mogul Game' post. The community jumped all over it. Now, while I don't like the idea of charging a bunch of money for the idea of the 'Game', but it was the method in which some in the community responded and then Matt's subsequent rebuttals. Some of these were very unprofessional.

Civility and Professionalism

I wish everyone in the community, new comers and veterans alike, could always remain professional and courteous.

While disagreeing with one another is fine, but becoming abusive is not. Here is a code of conduct I wish we as Steemians could employ while stating our opposing views:

  1. Objectively explain why one disagrees with a particular product or service
  2. Refrain from name calling
  3. Refrain from assuming you know why the creator did a particular thing
  4. Refrain from using language that attacks a person's character

Disagreements and opposing views can be healthy

One could state the potential harm done to the community, if the project or service proceeds as planned. Please be mindful of your approach.

Stay Calm and Be Respectful

We are all grown up here and I think we need to be respectful of each other as people. The level in which some of the comments have degraded to has departed from the realm of respect and professionalism.

Steemit: We are better than that!

Let's stop repeating this toxic behavior.... There are other places on the Internet where that behavior is accepted, but not here.

Thanks @pairmike

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