Many of you may have seen my last post on this issue, IS STEEMIT STARTING TO BUY THE FARM?, where I was able to conclude beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that steemit has indeed started to buy the farm.

Though this post is a follow-up to that one, it is very different in many ways.

If any of you saw the replies and comments between @smailer and myself at the end of that first post on this subject matter, you’ll see that some interesting ideas were exchanged.

One result of that discussion was this latte art by smailer that was released shortly after.

However, the rest of the conversation quickly moved into private on https://steemit/chat

Though I will not disclose everything that was discussed there (it was a private conversation), I will share some of what occurred because of that conversation.

If you are having trouble understanding the image above, @smailer ended up transferring 70 SBD to @papa-pepper.

Some obvious questions immediately enter our minds:

• Does this prove that steemit is a scam?
• Does @papa-pepper really have an alter-ego named Scammy McSpambot?
• Is @smailer paying silence money to keep @papa-pepper quiet about what a scam steemit really is?
• Are @smailer and @papa-pepper really the same user and the man behind both curtains is just using the @smailer account to power up the @papa-pepper account so that @papa-pepper can become a super-pepper and come out from behind the curtain, while leaving one of the curtains tucked into his shirt behind his neck so that it becomes a cape?

C’mon, I know that’s what you were all thinking, (especially @matthewtiii & @gregory-f).

To answer those questions, for the record and on the blockchain, NO... at least, not yet anyway.

At first, when @smailer made comments like this, “can I send to you SDB to buy one pig to your farm? and maybe you can wear on this pig collar or board with my name? 😊”, I was not sure if @smailer was serious.

When I replied back with this picture of how that may look, @smailer reiterated, “i want go get more pigs to your farm.

Eventually, we had our discussion in private, and in the end the goal was to get us another pig and another rabbit too. I said that I might be able to find those animals for about $50, but @smailer transferred $70 SBD to my account. That was on 18 September 2016.

Obviously, when another steemian transfers $70 SBD to your account, you know that they are serious.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve done a little bit of work, ran around a bit, did some bartering, and in the end, I made a few successful transactions.

The first addition to our animals was this Rabbit. It’s a mixed breed female, and I think it is part “Rex” and part “Chinchilla”. She is a very soft rabbit and is already a great size. Plus she is mature enough to breed, though she has not had a litter yet. Soon, we will be breeding her and then, about 30 days later, we should have some baby bunnies. Stay tuned for the updates!

The kids love their new @smailer –funded, steemit-powered rabbit!

When I was obtaining the rabbit though, an unexpected offer came up. The man who we got the rabbit from had a spare Turken rooster. “Turkens” are not Turkeys, and they are not a mix between Turkeys and Chickens. They are a specific kind of chicken that has a “naked neck”, which gives them a Turkey-like appearance. Since the rooster was good size and a friendly enough bird, I got him too.

You can sure see how interesting that featherless, bright red neck is. (Yes, we now have verified “redneck” rooster!) It’ll take a bit to see if we can work him into the flock, but it has gone good so far.

You can see how much bigger he is than our little Bantam/Cochin mixed roosters that we already had. Because we plan on hatching out some of our eggs and raising multiple generations of chickens, we will test out which roosters can produce better offspring. Obviously, if the chicks will be raised for meat, we may decide “the bigger, the better” and let this new Turken be the sire.

So, @smailer wanted to get us a rabbit and a pig, and we got a bonus rooster out of the deal.

Our very own @smailer –funded, steemit-powered Turken rooster!

Obviously, I did not cross all the animals off of list on Friday, so I had some more work to do on Saturday. After a few phone calls and some decision making, we took a drive and met with a lady who had some Large Black/Red Wattle cross piglets that were weaned.

This beautiful little girl is the one that we came home with. This is a picture of that wonderful little pig in the cage that we brought her home in. She's actually pasture-raised, which means she is content to just be out in a field eating grass. Let me tell you, this pig is a lot friendly that our other ones, and is very interactive. The others are still a little shy, but we’ll keep working with them.

We plan on raising pigs for meat, because they can take our food waste and turn it into pork-chops, bacon, ham and the like. This one will hopefully become a mama for us once she grows. The male that we picked up previously will be the daddy. Once we breed her and she gives birth, we will have lots of little piglets to share photos of for you guys.

Now we have a @smailer –funded, steemit power piglet to add to our herd of swine!

The only thing left to do is get it a collar with @smailer on it!

Others have at times mentioned perhaps making donations to our life transition before, but I usually just say that every upvote is a donation. Now, I’m beginning to wonder how serious some of those people may have been.

We still have some work to do before we will be ready for a lot more animals, but things like Quail, Guinea Fowl, Ducks, Geese, Goats, Sheep, a Milk Cow, and eventually a pony or horse for our girls are all on the list.

I am literally in the process of filling in the paperwork to purchase about 10 acres right now, and we even found a tiny house ready to start with for just over $3000 yesterday! It was about 2 miles from where we picked up our new piglet, and would great for us to start with or even incorporate into our grain bin concept.

I’m going to do a few quick transactions and figure out exactly where we are at financially, because I think that there is a reason that we found that tiny home, and with any item up for sale that’s first come, first serve, it is a time sensitive matter.

All that being said, I appreciate the support that we have gotten from the steemit community as we move towards living our dream life on the land as a family. Many things have already happened because of the funds that have been provided by my interaction on this platform, and for us, steemit has even begun to buy the farm, now in more ways than one.

All the followers and votes mean the world to us, and steemit has now allowed me to have two sources of income. I’ve got some work to do to buy this land and get our house started, and we do not mind if anyone actually wants to invest in our future. We are not too proud to allow someone to bless us.

As we move forward, anyone who desires to “sponsor” a farm animal for us like @smailer did can certainly do so. You can even name the animal if you want. And of course, we will do update posts as things progress, both with life and in the lives of the animals. (Just remember, eventually there will be things like eggs, meat, milk and other purposes for the animals, though, as they breed and reproduce, we should have a steady supply of cute replacements.)

Between the gardening and plant propagating and now the animals, we should have quite a functioning little homestead for ourselves in the near future.

To put it simply, @papa-pepper, as @smailer has proven, is willing to accept donations.

Of course, there is no need for anyone to contribute to what we are up to. It has just became apparent that some people really want to, so I figured I’d throw it out there. Either way, as long as I continue on steemit, steemit will be powering our homestead, and buying the farm.

@smailer – Did you want to name our new arrivals?


Steemit is an incredible community with many very talented, intelligent, compassionate, and even generous members. I am very glad to be a part of this community and am willing to do what I can to help the individual members and the community as a whole.

Without steemit, I would not have met @smailer or any of you, and the things that we are now accomplishing would not have been possible.


As always, I’m @papa-pepper, and here’s the proof:



Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

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