How can a paper take you to the moon - Just Fold it - How many times ? Far less than your expectation

Let's think once. How many times do you need to fold a paper to reach to the moon? You may probably think it is more than 1000 or at least more than 100. But it is not the case. You will be amazed because if you fold a paper for just less than 43 times then a simple 0.05 mm thick will be as thick as the distance from the earth to the moon. Didn't believe me then just take a calculator and multiply 0.05/1000000 to take it to kilometer. If you fold a paper once then it will be double its original thickness. That means it will be 0.1/1000000 kilometer. Do it so on in your calculator and after 43 times multiplying this number by 2 then it will be 439804.6511 kilometer. The distance between the earth and the moon is 384400 kilometer. This is how you can reach moon with just a paper. But a sad fact, you cannot fold a paper more than 7 or 8 times.
But who knows you may be the next revolution and to fold a paper for 43 times. So just take a paper and start your trip to the moon.
And another fun fact, if you fold again (44 times) then you will return back to Earth.


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