Is God A Myth! Or do they really exist keeping their identity secret! Science Behind God

If you are a highly religious person then just do not read this you are going to be hurt. If you are semi religious or atheist then yeah you can go forward. Let's first talk about how all these god thing and story came into existence. All this god things first came from the viking's. They had many god. A god was responsible for raining, another for wind and the ,main was the Sun. They strongly believed that all the things in this universe was a creation of god and they were the slave of god.
If you try to think how all this god things came into mind of the viking then here is a possible reason. There used to be some disaster like lightning, flood and solar eclipse. It's all living being's nature to be safe and fight death. Human's are always curious to know new thing and to so a possible explanation on it. They may had tried to give possible explanation to all this. But with that technology it was impossible to give a possible explanation for a vanishing Sun or the Shaking of whole Earth. You could even can't have explained this by your own! So, the best explanation to that question was there divine creature that had created this universe and is controlling all this with his own power.
All this started and they were so happy to find the outcome for praying for the divine creature. How could even they not believe!

The Sun was vanishing and they prayed for it not to vanish and it was back again and that was absolutely great for them.
The size of the river just increased and they prayed again and boom the river was back to it's normal size again. I know now you know what the real possible explanation for that is. (Or you still believe flood was due to god! Just kidding no one will)

They were so up to the existence of god that they used to punish whoever talk against the god. Aristotle was a scientific revolution and he discovered earth was not the center and the stars were not the holes in the sky through which you can see the heaven. He also gave the idea that how solar eclipse and lunar eclipse work and what was the result? Yeah I know you guessed he was sent to prison. So, no one was ready to talk or or do anything against god. Then it was passed to their young ones and it continued.

Then there comes a question how this universe and all this matter and energy came. This must be the work of god?
A big NO to this question. If you want to know about how this all came into existence then please comment that you want to know. Because if I wrote it here then this article is going to be super long and boring. If I even got a single comment here then I will Surely post it tomorrow.

*Picture - Google
I am from Nepal a country where majority of people are hindu. I am not against any religion and I have already ask those highly religious person to leave before. Please comment if you want how this universe came into existence. I will explain it in a very easy way that anyone can understand.

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