Voting habits of the top 200 Whales - SteemitSQL Analysis

Recently I was asked by @bisade on Discord

'Is it possible to get data on how active whales are in voting and commenting on the Steemit platform?'

So lets dive into the details of how and what I have found out

First of all I got a list of Whales from  I have use Power BI to connect to the website and pull down the table.  For the sample data I have taken the first 200 whales.

Next I used Power BI to connect to SteemitSQL where I pulled down the data from TXVotes and Comment.  

Due to the large amounts of data and the limitations of PowerBI Desktop I have only taken data for the last two week for votes, and three weeks for comments. (I have taken the extra week for comments because of the 7 day pay out thingy…)

Next I merge these TX Votes and Comment tables together using the permalink as the common field of data.  This data is probably already merge in one of the tables, but look I am new here so I took the difficult route to get there lol…. If there is a table, please do tell me….

So what have I found out about the voting habits of whales?

From 15 July to 30 July @21:00 gmt there were in total 5,423,382 votes made on the platform.  These votes were made for both Posts and Comments on Posts.  These votes were made up from 52,750 distinct voters on 37,579 different Authors posts.

On Average over the time period taken (15 days) each voter voted 6.85 times per day.

Filtering this down to the top 200 whales.

141,439 votes were made by 124 whales.  That makes up 2% of the votes by less than .25% of the number of Voters. Averaging out at 76 votes each per day, which is well above the average.  These votes were spread across 11,376 different authors.

Here is the top 15 of the top 200 whales for number of votes given


Out of the votes made by Whales, I looked at how many of these votes were self-votes.  A whales vote is worth quite a lot, especially if there are in the top 200 whales.  

49 Whales did not self-vote at all. 57 Whales self-voted between 1-20 times. In total there were 1863 self-votes made by whales, thats only 1.3% of all votes made by the 200 top whales. Here is a table with the top 15 from the top 20 whales guilty of self-voting.

Voting for Other Whales

A lot of minnows are under the impression that Whales just vote for whales.  Well my analysis tells a different story.  Only 2.25% of votes made by the top 200 whales are for other Whales also in the top 200.

This tables shows the whales with the largest % of votes that went to other whales included in this analysis

What do Whales like to vote for and when?

In total the top 200 whales voted on 17330 tag.  Some are obviously way more popular than others.  Have a look at the graph below for more details.

Comparing this to overall

To my surprise the weekend are the most popular times for whale voting

Whereas overall on Steemit the most popular day is actually Saturday

And the most popular voting times are 5am and 13pm

Whereas overall the most popular time is 5pm

Finally I looked to see if whales tend to post more on Posts or Comments.

Of the 141,439 votes made by these whales, 118,688 were votes made directly on blog posts. That's 84%.  The rest (16%) of the votes were made on comments on posts.

Unfortunately I am not able to embed a Power BI interactive dashboard into Steemit.  But with the dashboard I have created I can drill down to each Whale and see exactly who and when their votes went to.  In fact the data would allow me predict who the whales might vote for so I can vote just before them….. 

For example I have selected Honeybeee in the table of data and all other reports have updated.  I can see that Honeybeee only votes on posts, not comments and 243 votes were on 25 Authors, @barrydutton, @papa-pepper and so on……..

Each one of the visualization, when clicked will drill down to the other charts, so I could also select an Author and see which whales votes for them.

This is a really awesome dashboard that gives me real actionable insights….If you want a copy, well we can swap. I will give you a copy for Steem?????

And this is only the Voting habits’……we will look at commenting in a different post!

If you liked this post and found it of use, I hope that you will resteem, Vote up and Comment....

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