When your posts keep earning less than $0.03

Are you one of those authors that continuously earns less than $0.03 a post?  Well fear not, you are not alone.

You are not alone

source pixabay

Yesterday I was looking at Junes Post payout data and I found 342K posts with payouts of less than $0.03.  I also found 13,635 accounts that posted regularly over the month and the average payout was less than $0.03.

Have you ever thought about not posting or posting less and curating and engaging instead?

Many people think they need to keep posting to be active on steemit.  To be seen. But posting is only one aspect of the block.  Reading, commenting, resteeming, upvoting, replying to replies are all other elements.  

There are many authors that when you engage with them on their posts, will reward your comments with a $0.03 or more upvote. If your post payouts are normally around this mark then would it not make more sense to spend your time engaging with those that are upvoting comments?  Is creating the post actually worth it when you could earn the same with a valuable comment?

There are some upcoming changes on the way, and these include changes to payouts on dust votes.  From what I can gather, accumulation of dust votes to reach a value of $0.02 will no longer be possible.  This might give you another reason to stop posting and start engaging instead.

Did you ever think you could improve your chances by posting less?  

Well you can. 

By spending more time reading and commenting and engaging, you are forming relationships, you are getting your name out there, you are marketing your steemit account.  You are improving your chances.

Is it time to rethink your strategy?  

Is it time for you to stop posting and start engaging?

source pixabay

@flyingdutchman has created a list of those that upvote comments greater than dust level.  You can check it out here


Is this you?  Please comment below and let me know how you feel about this idea?

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