Steemit Quest For One Million ... Time required to build a $1,000,000.00 Steemit Account


How long does it take to build a Steemit Account to a value of $1,000,000.00?

While I am new to this platform I am bright individual and prolific writer with a wealth of knowledge in a broad range of subjects. After a cursory review of the payment structure, review of top user wallets, and evaluation of the likelihood of financial remuneration for work put in I see potential here. I likewise see an inordinate number of posts by individuals lamenting their inability to make a return of any significance through their posting efforts on Steemit.

To that end I will begin a case study into the practicality of actually creating wealth using Steemit as a nexus between blogging and wealth building. I feel the time is actually correct for a case study such as this, as many that lose faith refuse to shoulder the blame and instead choose to embrace the ideal that only early adopters can generate income through Steemit; that competition is to great and getting noticed now is impossible.

In beginning this journey the only information I could find in regards to total user count hovers around 180,000 as of six months ago. I’m sure there is a way to use Steemd to find a more exact figure, but I’m unsure as to how and it does not really matter; as 180,000 accounts is competition enough to validate the results of my study. I likewise realize that a notable percentage of those accounts are likely bots, or duplicate accounts used by individuals in a nefarious manner to promote their own posts and reap the corresponding financial rewards of showing up in the “Hot”, “Trending”, “Promoted” categories.

That aside, I am sure there are more than enough active accounts to be considered sufficient market competition for this study.

The Rules:

I cannot use a reposting service, resteem service, direct pay for votes or acquire fame and fortune in a surreptitious manner.

All of my efforts must be transparent in order for the study to be valid.

I will spend no less than 2 hours each day interacting with the Steemit Platform.

I will tailor my contributions to actually creating good content and not aggregating links, youtube videos or other superfluous information in an attempt to pass it off as my own. In the event that I do use outside links or other items of interest they will directly tie into commentary already added by me and should serve as a reference list not as the content of the post.

I can market myself, build my brand and actively engage users to build a following to acquire the upvotes and resteems needed to achieve this goal.

My methods will include creating good content, curating quality articles and utilizing additional social media tools FB, Twitter, Linked In, etc to further broadcast my message and build my brand.

I may likewise comment on posts and link bomb to articles I have written about similar topics.

I may reuse comments I have made previously as I tend to stay within certain areas of interest and many posts are about similar topics thus in many instances there is no need for me to redraft the same response with different wording.

I may reward users that organically follow me and interact with my postings and follower base through excellent commentary and good conduct.

I may act in a philanthropic manner to build my brand.

Those are the rules.

Philanthropic based goal achievement:.

As the primary premise of Steemit is blogging, commenting, up voting etc. in return for a financial reward I will embrace this concept and philanthropically reward quality followers once I achieve certain milestones.

The Milestone Reward structure is as follows:


*At the $1,000,000.00 level the philanthropic distribution will be paid as follows, 1 follower will receive $50,000 in Steem Dollars. There will be one, a standout, a member will arise that once I reach my goal and complete the study I will realize that I could not have made this journey without them. The remaining $50,000 will be divided among five other followers.

Milestone achievement is not either/or; both requirements in terms of account value and followership must be met.

All steem dollars acquired through curation or authorship shall go directly to Steem Power; save what is a necessary hold back for philanthropic distribution. At the $1,000,000.00 level or study expiration this restriction is removed.

You must contribute in order to receive a philanthropic donation to your account. Do not think that simply clicking follow and walking away will get you there. In order to reach this goal we need active users, that contribute, comment resteem and are committed.

I will attempt to post daily progress reports on # of posts, average earnings per post, followers gained etc. to begin building a usable graph that will serve as a template for exponential account growth and followership over time.

At current the Steemit Market Cap stands at $328,754,270. I must capture 1/328th of it to reach the required goal.

The study shall run for 18 months, or goal achievement which ever comes first.

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