My Facebook & Steemit post side by side two (2) days ago. SURPRISE .... SURPRISE ......

My Facebook and Steemit experiment:

Two days ago @ around 8:00 am EST I posted an article about my little sweetheart named Jalyn. She made "Fall off the bone ribs" and we documented her work with a video.

I then posted it on Steemit and Facebook at the exact same time.

  • Steemit: I had 68 followers at the time of the post.
  • Facebook: I had 224 friends, family, coworkers at the time of the post.

Here is a snapshot of both posts:

Steemit Post:FaceBook Post:
44 Up Votes7 Likes
4 Comments5 Comments
No Shares1 Share
$84.66Zero - Cheap Bastards


I thought it would be compelling to see how many votes I received with both Social Media Sites. I found it very interesting that the number of Up Votes from the Steemit Community was more than 6 times the number of Likes from my Facebook Friends. The reason I found this interesting is because I have 224 Facebook friends and I have known them a lot longer than my new friends at Steemit.

Another interesting point is the fact I have been on Facebook for over 6 years. I have been on Steemit for 2 months. Looks like my Steemit Friends are more interested in what I have to share.....

It will also be interesting when I show my Facebook friends this little experiment.
Especially the part about the $84.66


Stop going to Facebook!

#steemit #facebook #life #craigrant

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