On the road to 50 million Steem users...

An interesting infographic was being shared on my Twitter timeline this past week: The Number of Years It Took For Each Product to Gain 50 Million Users.

The infographic shows product adoption for the biggest consumer technologies in the last 100 years based on reaching 50 million active users. It is interesting to note that recent technologies reach 50 millions users in only a few years, instead of a couple of decades. The app Pokemon Go even hit 50 million users on mobile devices in it’s first nineteen days of release.

Thanks to the mass acceptance of mobile phones and the Internet, our ability to wide spread new technologies has become much easier than it used to be in the last one hundred years. Besides, Both Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Pokemon Go are free to use, in contrast to the other mentioned products.

When will Steem reach 50M users?

While 50 million users is a great benchmark for technology adoption, I think we must not forget the longevity of a product. 'Pokemon Go' absolutely set a tremendous performance by reaching 50M users so quickly, but the hype didn't last very long.

Did you know it took Google+ only 88 days to hit 50 Million users? But who is using the platform nowadays?

The STEEM whitepaper was released in March 2016 and last weekend we celebrated (you did, didn't you?) 250,000 registered Steem accounts. That's 250K users in 16 months, but don't forget that we celebrated the 200,000 mark only 24 days ago. So the first 200K users took us 15 months while we have recently welcomed 50,000 new users in only 24 days. That's exponential growth. If we all keep on inviting our friends and relatives, who knows how quick we can reach 50 million users!

It’s an exciting time to be living! :)

STEEM Accounts

I've made a chart of the number of Steem accounts of the last 3 months.

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