Building the SteemTowns - Part 1 - Selecting the locations

The idea of SteemTowns seems to be of interest.

Certainly it has piqued my interest even more since I wrote the first post about the idea.

The chance to complete this circle in my life has really grabbed me.

So how do we take it forward?

It will need some planning, it will need some thought, it will need some participation...

I really would love to hear from anyone who would like to come onboard with this dream of mine.

Wouldn't it be so cool if we could simultaneously launch SteemTowns on every continent?

Anyone got any contacts in Antarctica 😊

Part 1 : Selecting the locations

The first step will be to come up with some criteria for selecting the pilot SteemTowns.

The concept could work for any size of town - from SteemVillage to SteemCity. But I think it will work best, at least initially, in small to medium size towns.

These would be my starter criteria for choosing the ideal pilot SteemTowns :

  1. Towns with a population of between 2,000 and 50,000.

  2. Towns where there is no strong existing local town website or social network.

  3. Towns that are perhaps 'struggling' economically.

  4. Towns that have some identifiable lead organisation that could champion the SteemTown project.

  5. Towns that are open to trying new ideas.

These criteria are not at all fixed in stone. They are my first thoughts that I am sure will evolve as the project progresses. I have expanded upon each of these criteria below. I welcome comments on these.

One factor that will inevitably override all others will be enthusiasm. If some individual or organisation in a town pops up who is keen and enthusiastic about the idea of SteemTown, and if they look like they would be in a position to drive it forward, that may well override any deficiencies on the other criteria.

SteemTowns will definitely need champions to succeed.


The target population of between 2,000 and 50,000 is somewhat arbitrary. I am sure a town bigger or smaller might well succeed as a SteemTown. I think below around 2,000 people it might be difficult to get sufficient critical mass of users to work well. Towns much bigger than 50,000 are more likely to have active existing online networks. If they don't, SteemTown might be what they are looking for.

Local website

This would not be a deciding factor. But the idea of being a SteemTown might meet resistance if there is any sort of strong existing local website or network. An existing website would likely see SteemTown as a competitor. I would not count Facebook etc in this category only independent / local websites.

Economic situation

Many, many small towns in Britain, particularly in rural areas, are struggling economically. Local shops are closing, jobs are hard to find, young people are moving away. I am sure this is not unique to the UK.

While the financial reward aspect of steemit should not be main focus of the SteemTown pitch, it certainly will play an important role. The opportunity of generating and injecting some cash into the local economy will certainly be attractive for most small towns.

Lead organisation

Establishing a SteemTown will be a whole lot easier if there is an established local organisation or network championing the project. A SteemTown certainly could not be 'parachuted' into a town without local support - it needs to be invited.

The lead organisation I think will best be independent of existing municipal structures. A local council will likely have too much regulatory and procedural baggage to be adaptable enough to champion a SteemTown project. This may not always be the case - some small towns do have very forward thinking local councils.

The ideal organisation to lead on a SteemTown project would probably be something like a local Chamber of Trade. It will have an existing network of member businesses. It will likely be on the lookout for projects to promote the town. And it shouldn't be too tied down with existing bureaucratic or administrative structures.

But there may well be other suitable organisations.

New ideas

There are many schemes and projects that towns get involved in to help promote their local economies. These include loyalty card schemes, online promotional systems like Totally Locally and local currencies like the Totnes Pound.

Involvement in projects like these are a good indicator that a town is willing to try new ideas. SteemTown could be the next idea for those towns.

This is the first step in the exploration and expansion of the SteemTowns idea.

I would very much like to hear your comments on these selection criteria and on the SteemTown concept as a whole.

If anyone is interested in helping to take this project forward do let me know in the comments below.

Part 2 of my planning for this project will be on 'Preparing the Pitch'. What we would put to any interested towns to encourage them to sign up to be a pilot SteemTown.

Thank you.

[Title graphic and map by Pennsif // meeting image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0]]

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