So there's been a LOT of talk lately about minnows on steemit.... people are talking about how they are getting the short end of the stick (some say). Others (with a more balanced view) say that WHALES should be rewarded big time for having stuck with Steemit. 

In the beginning there were very few people on here. Things were looking bleaker than they are now! Right now it looks like we are going to overtake FACEBOOK! In my opinion, anyway.

I feel that Steemit is like its own economy, that reflects the larger economy out there. Everything in the world works this way.... you have people at the TOP, people in the middle, and people at the BOTTOM. 

That doesn't mean that any of them are worth more or are better people than anyone else. 

All it means is that is the way the system works, or is designed some would say.... and it doesn't make anything unfair either...

What would be unfair is if you could just get on here, and within a week of doing a few things, start earning just as much as a WHALE. WHALES have invested time, effort, and money in building a reputation on Steemit. 

And in all the cases I've seen...they are the ones who are still contributing the MOST towards this platform. Not just in terms of their posts, but how they comment and reply to minnows to help them get better....

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