Steemit: One-Night-Stand or Long-Term Relationship?

Howdy steemians,

For those of you who are new to cryptocurrency and blockchain and joined Steemit to earn money the fast and easy way, this will not work. Yes, Steemit is new, its brilliant and you can make thousands of dollars here…


But is it fast and easy? The truth is no. To make money with this community you have to stay calm build up reputation and work for your money. Yes, you can earn money here but for the most of the minnows who are not so deep into cryptocurrency and the blockchain theme like me it can be very hard to attract the audience. Over the last weeks I have read a lot of post dealing with the votes of the whales and their choice of content to upvote. There were some guys submitting post after post hoping to be on the trending site. I think that’s crazy. I recently read a post by @ltndd1 about his fight with the cheeta bot for reposting his old posts. What I’ve learned about the blockchain technology is that everything stays on the chain. So every post has more than one payout chance. From my point of view my posts are more long term investments and maybe my future followers will recognize and reward them. As you can read in the mentioned post reposting is no way to attract more people but to get in trouble with the whales. A way to get more audience is to link your blog or posts and if people like what you have written they may read more.


Main content: Cryptocurrency, steemit and voting

Cryptocurrency will always be a big theme on this platform because its build by some crypto enthusiasts and its the way of payment here. And therefore it is clear that a post dealing with this get the most rewards. But with more and more people joining the network there will be balance of rewards for other content over time. Even the voting or the power of voting itself is a big thread at the moment. It is clear that the guys who have built this network have the most power at the moment. It is also clear that these guys are really busy at the moment. So what would you do? Read something that doesn’t interest you only to satisfy people that post 300 posts in two weeks? Or spend your time with interesting things. Therefore you might feeling treated unfair and a good post might not been recognized be a whale. But as said before with a raising number of followers the rewards will balance.


Changes and development

Due to the fact that Steemit is still in beta and the community will help to develop the network over the next month we are just at the beginning of a project with unknown potential. I’ve seen a lot of good ideas and designs by people like @cass for new features that will be realized in the future and I’m excited to be a part of it. You may have noticed over the last weeks the payout time was changed more than once and a few bugs has been deleted. I think this process will continue more or less.


If you are not a worldwide known guru in cryptocurrency or a youtube-blogger with a million followers the chance for fast and easy is very small. Steemit is still in development and will grow over time. And if you are a normal guy like me and stay calm and write original and creative stuff your reputation will raise and then you have the chance to make a buck or two…

TAHNKS for reading. Stay calm and keep steeming.

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