Copying is the greatest form of flattery - Nipping this in the bud

Thank you, flagging system.

[Enter the rest of the text of my most recent post here]

So I guess as a continuation to my last post, this up here is the perfect example of how not to succeed on this platform. Stealing other people's content will get you flagged, meaning your post will get hidden and your reputation will drop.

In this case, the copying was very obvious. I ask everyone who's against this sort of actions to flag his post. Thank you.

By the way, first time I'm seeing my text being copied. How flattering.

P.S.: I made screenshots of almost the entire thing, just in case he changes the texts later. This sort of action is horrible for the credibility of our platform.

Edit: I just noticed his second to last post is also a copy, check this out: his post, the same post from a year ago.
I have just commented this on that post aswell, but it already has too many upvotes for my flag to have a lot of effect. Please help me in combatting this plagiarism.

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