Red wine for weight loss

Hello friends @steemit I want to share with you this little tips about health that I consider to be important and that few know about.

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Maybe many at home have a bottle of wine for a special occasion, but what we do not know is that that insignificant bottle of red wine has great benefits.
Within these benefits we have:

  • Helps control weight: it acts as an antioxidant, since taking a small glass a day can help us control anxiety and delay the reproduction of adipose cells in the body.

    Helps prevent cancer
    -Provides brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

    • Reduces gastritis and ulcers.
      -Help the vision.
    • It favors the functioning of the heart

    I hope you liked this little tip about the importance of red wine and can give you follow this small contribution, say goodbye with love @ pocahontas thanks for the attention paid!

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