I'm Offering Daily Steam Dollar Transfers to Flag Spam - If you oppose this please explain why #steemit - #doyourpart

I was disheartened that the community probably wasn't very interested with this, and I was just wasting my time, so decided to withdraw these rewards.

But after some encouragement from @acidyo @getssidetracked  @neoxian and @sigmajin I've decided to offer these bounties.

If you have a problem with this, I'd be grateful if you would explain why, though I understand you are under no obligation to do so.


- 10% of all Steam Dollars I earn everyday, starting from 17:00 GMT+1 19/07/2016 to 23:59 GMT+1 19/07/2016. 

- Conditions:

Flag spam posts, posts in  clearly  incorrect categories (e.g. an Donald Trump article in sex), plagiarism, and suspicious behaviour which hints at a scam.

Compile all your flags (and a reason for flagging) in a post, and post it in the tag #doyourpart.

If you are using a flag bot, then you must compile 3 times more spam than users. (though I imagine flag bots make enough already that they wouldn't be interested in this)

See @neoxian's post in the #doyourpart for reference.

Everyday, I will give the award to the person who has flagged the most content meeting the above mentioned criteria.

Today I awarded @neoxian $20 in SBD (so around $33 currently) based on earnings up to about 12PM. By the end of the day that could've been $50-$100+.

Hopefully others will join me so that we can reward more community cleaners.

Be wary of this Social Engineering exploit!

#steemit #doyourpart

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