Show Me The Money: Frustration of Minnows At Steemit

A few years back, my Facebook account was hacked and I decided to terminate it. What the heck, I wasn't doing anythng useful at Facebook anyway. In the middle of August 2016, I created a Facebook account solely for the purpose of joining Steemit. Steemit will be vey much different from Facebook, I thought. I should be able to earn decent money by posting and curating good and high quality content. However after spending an average of 2-3 hours daily on Steemit for the past three weeks, I am having second thoughts.

What drives the Steemit platform? The answer is simple enough, content which is the lifeline of the platform. Therefore people should be rewarded for posting and curating killer content be it in the form of blogs, poetry, cookery, travel, photography and the list goes on. The question that most minnows ask is how fairly are the rewards distributed. After writing daily for an average of 2-3 hours, the most that my articles earn is less than 1 miserable cent. We need to acknowledge the fact that most Steemians are here to make a buck. That motivation should not be under estimated.

While others can have a whale of a time at Steemit, most minnows and new writers share the frustration that their contents however good it may be get limited exposure at this platform. This has even drove some to quit steemit altogether. For those who choose to continue to slog it out at Steemit, it may be a matter of time before they too call it quits. More needs to be done in order to level the playing field for the minnows. Minnows do matter in Steemit but their voice can hardly be heard. More needs to be done and it has to be done fast.

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