Creating A Real World $teem Economy: New Custom Made Pure Silver Wrapped Gem Stone Jewelry Bartered For $teem!


I just made a new Custom Handmade Pure Silver Wire Wrap out of a Gem Grade Apatite!

This is another piece in my "Medicinal Jewelry" line. What makes it even more awesome is this was commissioned as a barter for $teem!

I have not worked a "JOB" or had a boss in over 15 years. I am committed to not paying taxes to the military industrial complex and private mega corps disguised as "government" and have been trading/bartering for a very long time. Because we are all here on Steemit, it is a really great way to have the convenience of currency with non-taxable military industrial complex funding transactions!

I have for almost a year now been helping build the REAL world Steemit Economy and the value of $teem by hand making tangible goods and offering them for Steem. In truth, to my knowledge, I have the most real items/goods available for $teem of anyone in the world.  To make it even better, LOTS of those tangible items are Steemit Logo Gear! This helps create more demand for $teem & real world applications for $teem and also promotes Steemit brand by putting the logo all over the place!

If anyone would like to check out my jewelry, you can find quite a few pieces on PeerHub available for $teem or on The Garden of Eden website, where I donate most of my pieces to help feed, clothe, educate, and house people in need. 

You can also commission custom pieces with the types of stones/metal/material you like. If you don't know about "Medicinal Jewelry", it is the name of my jewelry line because I am committed to sustainable and holistic living even in fashion!

All my jewelry is made from stones/crystals, which have healing and metaphysical properties. I also use pure energy conductive metals like gold, silver, or copper to wrap them in. So they are not only good investments because they are a solid store of value, but they also have healing/medicinal qualities, which improve energetic resonance/frequency and overall well being!

This one for example: "Golden Apatite" is a high vibration crystal that helps to cleanse, purge or even eliminate dense and stagnant energy. It is helpful for beings who tend to burry/deny their feelings, repress fear, anger or even joy etc etc.  Golden Apatite helps release the energetics of victimization and blame.  Golden Apatite is  beneficial crystal to use when doing any type of past life recall or karmic work.

Gold Apatite is a blessings when working on balencing emotions, releasing old baggage/programming and healing blockages,  which are holding one back from progressing and evolving.  Golden Apatite can also help with issues of depression, lack of concentration, lethargy, and lack of motivation.

Gold Apatite works in the area of the pancreas, liver and spleen. Golden Apatite Crystals are excellent for helping mitigate and even heal arthritis. May specifically be used for any type of bone related issues or illness. Golden Apitite is even more effective when used in combination with green colored minerals.   

I have made hundreds of custom handmade pieces in my Medicinal Jewelry line and really want to start posting them here on Steemit. I was thinking of creating  a specific account "MedicinalJewlery" or something like that. Will let you know if I decide to do so. 

I just wanted to share this new piece as I find it quite beautiful and also because its very relevant to the Steemit Economy!

As always, I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!


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