Hand Painted Wearable Steemit Art: Promoting Steemit Everywhere I Go AND Building a Real World Economy AND Increasing Value of $teem!


(Here I am wearing all clothing and accessories that are part of my clothing, jewelry and hand made knife line. All the jewelry, knives, clothing, Steemit Gear and even the home grown tobacco are available for not only fiat currency but Steem it self!)

I have created about 50 unique one of a kind HAND PAINTED Steemit Wearable Steemit Art Gear Designs!

I wear them every day and everywhere I go to help promote Steemit, its brand and potential!

I also do this to help create a REAL WORLD use for Steem and increase its value by using it within the Steemit Economy instead of cashing out!

I make not only these Epic Steemit Gear Designs available for Steem but I also have hundreds of other items of real value and sustainably made available for Steem!

How awesome it is that we are all here at the beginning of this movement of cryptocurrency/blockchain technology with our Steemit Community on the leading edge!

I have been a cutting edge visionary for 15 years, and when I see something with so much potential, not only do I take advantage of it, but I commit to supporting/promoting it as much as possible. It is up to us to create the world we want to live in and to live by the ideals we believe in despite the problems of the world. 

In honor and contribution to the New World, I have been creating handmade Steemit Gear, all of which are not only one of a kind, but made in the most sustainable standards of any gear available. To be even more awesome, I list them on PeerHub to support the Steemit Community further and accept Steem$ as trade for such world class merch!
The more USEFUL $teem is, the more valuable it will become. The more we trade it within our economy instead of cash it out, the more valuable it becomes. 

Not only does this project increase the value of $teem, but it supports a truly great cause. All $teem that I get I power up and all fiat donations/purchases I donate to The Garden of Eden, which feeds tens of thousands of free meals a year, houses, clothes, and takes care of single mothers, people who need healing, and whoever reaches out in need.
@gardenofeden also educates thousands of people every week, as well as contributes valuable content to this Steemit Community!

So that means that by investing in one of these handmade pieces you are promoting Steemit, increasing the value of $steem and contributing to a humanitarian project that educates and feeds tens of thousands of people a year!

Now that is some full spectrum benefit!

I have posted many posts with different hand painted one of a kind wearable art including jewelry and steemit gear. 

Here are a few of the past recent posts. 

Green suede steemit cap plus a hand made didgeridoo and other clothing and accessories!

Last week showcased 9 items made available to support the value and use of Steem while also promoting Steemit!

I how you recognize the awesome potential of Steemit and what I am doing every day to help us all succeed!

As always I appreciate the support and welcome your feedback!


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