Living The Life of a Steemit Yogi: Integrating Steemit Into Life in a Way That Improves Life As a Whole.

I am all about holistic living. I have been a yogi for almost 15 years and now am a Steemit Yogi! 

What is a Steemit Yogi? Well first off many don’t know what a “Yogi” is so we will start off with that. 

Wikipedia says this:

A yogi (sometimes spelled jogi) is a practitioner of yoga.[1] In Vedic Sanskrit, yoga (from the root yuj) means "to add", "to join", "to unite", or "to attach" in its most common literal sense, where in recent days, specially in the West, yoga often refers to physical exercises only. The term yogi is used broadly to refer to sannyasi or practitioners of meditation in a number of Indian religions.[2] The feminine form is yogini, but is not always used, especially in the West.

Yogi, or jogi, since the 12th century CE, while meaning those dedicated to Yoga practice, has also referred to members of the Nath siddha tradition of Hinduism.[3] Alternatively, in tantra traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, a practitioner of tantra (a tantrika) may also be called a yogi.[4][5] In Hindu mythology, god Shiva and goddess Parvati are depicted as an emblematic yogi–yogini pair.[6]

My own interpretation of being a “Yogi” is simply living a life of conscious awareness and harmony of body, mind, and soul. 

I have found the movements of yoga to be healthy, but working out--even with yoga--is not going to bring enlightenment or extreme health. 

The real power of Yoga is in getting in touch with the body, listening and loving the body. The breath is the essence that fuels inspired movements for a powerful yoga experience. 

Most yoga is often done at a time or pace set by someone else or an idea. For the real power to be experienced in the movements of yoga, one must be present in the moment and feel the ideal time and pace of movements synchronized with the breath. 

I perceive life as yoga. In short, I am a Yogi because every day from morning till night I walk, sit, stand and move consciously, taking deep breaths and moving my body in a way that facilitates the flow of energy and well being. 

To me, this is true yoga and not something I just practice, but a lifestyle that I embody on a moment to moment basis. 

The reason I titled this article as I did is because Steemit becomes more and more of a yoga for me every day. For me, it is a lifestyle. It is something I am incorporating into my every day, moment to moment life. 

When I go out now, I wear my Epic Steemit Gear.  I am designing more Steemit Gear Fashion Items than my other clothing designs. 

I think about how I could make a post about the every day things that I do, or consider how what I do could be a Steemit post. 

I am making items on my web ventures available for Steem$, and I am adding new PeerHub items available for Steem$ every week. 

I talk to everyone I meet now days about Steemit and even find myself talking about it more than my ideals of sustainability or honesty. 

I have more conversations with people on Steemit via blogs or chat than I do people that are NOT on Steemit! 

In Conclusion: Life is Yoga, because I embody this, I am a Yogi. 

Now days, life is also Steemit so now I am a Steemit Yogi. Thankfully I am a Yogi, or all this time in front of a computer would be taking quite a toll on my body!

Which gives me a great idea for another post…”How to stay fit spending HOURS a day on the computer!”

I am developing my relationship with Steemit like I do Yoga: conscious awareness to a harmony with life itself. I have embraced Steemit like I have embraced Yoga, because the benefits are great. 

With a conscious and harmonious perspective, all of life improves. Steemit has not just earned me Steem$, or new friends it has brought value to my life as a whole~*~

I hope you find real value in this post. I deliberately attend to investing time to make posts I feel are honorable examples and improve life as a whole. 

All of these items in this photoshoot are available on PeerHub!

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