My New Steemit Fashion Line Has Begun: First Photo Shoot for EpicShreds Steemit T

Greetings Steemians!

First off I am grateful to be here with you cutting edge Steemians on this revolutionary platform!

Every day I am integrating Steemit into my life more. Today is a pivotal moment in the success to come~

I have started and design/run a jewelry line, hand made knife line, and clothing/fashion line amongst other businesses and the AWESOMENESS of Steemit has inspired me to design my first Steemit Exclusive piece of clothing which is EpicShreds Steemit T!

This is only the very FIRST Steemit design, hopefully to be the beginning of many more to come!

I wanted to start off with something simple & practical, yet cool enough to be worthy of my brand EpicThreads and Steemit!

In my mind what makes these cool T's SO COOL is that this is a hand made, hand painted, unique one of a kind, made of 100% salvaged up cycled materials including the paint!

These are LITERALLy the most sustainable shirts in the world. You couldn't make one more sustainable if you grew the cotton and wove it your self and used vegetable dies!

The photos looked way better in the photo editing program. Unfortunately the photos don't really look as good after uploaded online and edited to size, either I am doing something wrong or after the conversion its just worse. I will have to work on that. 








Special thanks to @everlove for the photos!

Note: That which I am smoking is 100% home grown, tax free, processing free, medicinal blend~*~

Comments/feedback is appreciated!

                                                      Steem ON!

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