How to get people to pay attention to the post.

Posts drowning in newly created posts. Do you know that, right?

Due to the growing popularity and increase in users, new users find out that for their posts they can get money, and they start making posts. Yes, exist worthy posts, but also exist a frank junk and spam.
And among all this ocean of posts, drowning really impressive posts on which people work for a long time.
Will agree its very pity, when you wrote an article a few days, and your article is lost among appearing at high speed new posts and goes lower and lower on the list, and eventually lost.

And a chance to see it has become very small, because it is quite far away. People value their time and do not checks every post. Or maybe just laziness. People will not dive into all this abyss so deep.

But how to get people to pay attention to your post?
The fact that many users simply look at the headline, image, and the number of votes. And decide they vote or not, even without reading the post itself. This encourages users to write attract headlines.

According to research, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline. 2 of 10 read the rest of your post. Statistics such as the 80/20 rule shows that the title determines the success or failure of any material.
The reader takes the first three and the last word of the header. Of course, a very small amount of header consists of 6 words. In view of this it is necessary to make the first and the last three words best reflect the essence of fasting and attract the reader's attention.

Writing quality titles associated with the work of human psychology.


  • Surprise - "This is not an ideal post (But it could be them)";
  • Question - "Do you know how to write the perfect post?";
  • Intrigue - "10 high-quality ingredients post. Number 9 - Incredible ";!
  • Denial - "Never again write boring posts!";
  • How - "How to write a quality post";
  • The numbers - "10 tips for writing quality posts";
  • Appeal - "For people who are one step away from writing quality posts";
  • Specificity - "6 steps to to increase visits to your post traffic in the 2-fold."

Also i advise you to use a header analyzer -

Title leads the reader to the post. Introduction compels the reader to continue reading.

Placing pictures in the beginning of your post to the left or right corner of reducing the width of the lines, making the material easier for the initial perception, respectively, more readable and view - once again plays a role psychology.

"Fewer characters per line enables readers to quickly and easily make a decision on the text."

#steemit #writing

I hope it helped to you!

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