This goes out to Stacker, Minnows, dolphins, whales, and all steemians.

I need to tell everyone something so come here.


What are you waiting for, are you trying to miss out? Maybe you just don't know or maybe this platform is to hard to reach everyone.


You see history is being made and really you have 2 choices, either miss out or be apart of it. The 2018 1oz silver round will be produced, with or with out you. Now we want everyone to own a part of this history. So what are you waiting for? @sevinwilson has worked on this project for the past 6 weeks and the response for this years coin has not been very good. Now maybe it's because you aren't aware of it or maybe you dont have the funds. Well know you are aware of it and this cool ass guy buy the name of @spicyer hass offered to purchase the round for you and you can send him the money when you have it. Now look guys and gals it doesn't get any easier then the way this years process has been laid out.

☝️thats the website to order☝️

👇 Here is @sevinwilson last post👇 about it.


So here is the deal, there is NO PRIVATE investor this year, it is presale only, this means how ever many get sold and paid for, thats how many will be produced, so get up amd get after it and place an order. Do not play around with this, the secondary market will not be as good this year as it was for the 2017 steem round.


We have to reach everyone, so everyone will need to help.

One you hit resteem, then hit the link above and place your order. Time is running out, silver is going up. We need EVERYONES HELP,,,, WHALES, I AM TALKING TO YALL.

Thanks for your time and your resteem

proud supporter of #steemsilvergold


follow me @raybrockman


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