The HOT SEAT with....@berniesanders ( the premiere episode of my new talk show )

Hello, hello and welcome to the first ever episode of my new show:

***** THE HOT SEAT *****

In the HOT SEAT tonight we have a very special guest, the one and only, the whale @berniesanders!!
Give him a round of applause and admiration! He'll need all the encouragement he can get!

Before we begin let me tell you what's this show about. It's an interview-style talk show hosted by ME, with steemers guests. The idea is to have a bit of FUN, to be a bit mischievous! and also to get to know the people a bit more, apart from the Steemit-side of them.
The questions will be pretty wild, crazy,'s not called THE HOT SEAT for nothing :D

@berniesanders was courageous and generous to be the first guest and for that I want to thank him and...I hope we'll still be friend by the end of the interview :D

As a token of my appreciation, here's a gift!
100% original art-work made for you by @mihaiart. Print it and frame it or throw it away ;)

Saint Bernie

Disclaimer: For those of you wondering, this is NOT a fiction of my imagination. The interview ACTUALLY took place. Bernie can confirm in the comments I hope :)


Raz: "Hello, Bernie and welcome! So glad you decided to come on over for a little chat, you must be so busy..."
Bernie: *"Thank you for having me, never too busy to have a bit of fun. Haha. Let's rock!"
R: " Ok, mr whale. Let me take the questions out...."

Q1: Your best friend knocks at the door in the middle of the night, asking for help to hide a body. Where do you hide it?
The apartment upstairs. THAT'LL get those heel-stomping bitches to finally shut up!

Q2: Smart, killing two rabbits with one bullet! Now, let's see how good your game is.
You are driving a Dacia 1310(classic romanian car) How do you convince a hottie to get in?

The best car Romania could give, Dacia 1310, shown here in a wonderful color!

It's not about the car, it's about the man. Tell her she's beautiful, ask her about her day, listen and treat her with respect. DUH!

*Q3: Oh, wow. Your bedside manners must be ON POINT! But let's talk about PORN. Pamela Anderson recently wrote that porn " “is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness", what do you have to say to THAT!?
Everything in the world you can take a stand for. Everything in the world, and this is what you focus on?! You're trying to clean up an industry that is built and thriving upon varying levels of filth, starring individuals who willingly participate and even get paid to do so? You going to go after Big Tobacco next? Then alcohol, right? Perfect. Hope it all works out.

Q4: Quite so. Keep your hands off our porn, woman! So let's get back to regular folks, the whales.
People look at whales like they're aliens, let's debunk this notion:
What was your favorite class in high-school?

Class of '99, bitches! No, but, Algebra. Ms. Flowers kicked ass.
What's in your refrigerator right now?
Meats, veggies, cheeses, condiments, water, beer...think the opposite of Fight Club.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Left: the side closest to the refrigerator.

Q5: And for sure, you put your pants on one leg at a time! Maybe. Who knows?! At least you're not Tyler Durden!
Your favorite song on repeat these days has a clickbait title, what is it?

Eminem vs. Drake: The Harrowing Encounter! ( guess?! )

Q6: Let's hear something juicy. What's the most obscenely expensive thing you bought?
Two cars in one day. Identical, aside from one being white, the other being black. 100% truth.

Q7: Hahahaha :))That's fun!
Would you rather be Dan Blitzerian and look like Bernie Sanders or Bernie Sanders but look like Dan Blitzerian? Why?

I'd rather be Bernie and look like Dan because I AM @berniesanders, and I feel like looking like Dan would only help exponentially.

Q8: That makes a lot of sense actually. Too easy! Let's try something harder...You receive 1$ for every person you slept with, what can you buy for lunch using all the money?
One Chicken Ultimo Burrito from Baja Fresh

Q9: No Comment! :D :D What's the worst advice you ever received...and followed?
"You should try the Ultimo Burrito from Baja Fresh."

*Q10: Oh boy, mexican food is such a gamble. I'd do it though, even if I spend the next day in the bathroom. What better room to get philosophical....So tell me, how free do you think we are?
I believe we have certain freedoms; but, we're never truly FREE.

I do love me some freedoms! But no such thing as a free meal...Next question is abou
Nah, I'm done, got to go, bye!
Wait, wait!!!
@berniesanders dissapears into thin air just as he appeared, I am left baffled....oh well!
As it happens, the last question goes to you, the audience, then: What's one thing that makes you optimists about the future today? Looking forward to your answers in the comments!

This concludes our first episode of THE HOT SEAT. I hope you enjoy it and the fun continues in the comments.

Tell me what you think, what else would you have asked Bernie? ( hey, maybe you get lucky to get an answer) And, most importantly, WHAT did you think of the premiere, how can I make this better?

PS: Next episode on Friday with another cool guest. Follow me, and follow the #hotseat tag so you won't miss any episode!

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