the HOT SEAT with.....@deviedev ( episode 3 )

Hello, everyone and welcome to the third episode of.....

***** THE HOT SEAT *****

Tonight, my guest is @deviedev, NY-based environmentalist lawyer or... as I like to call her, the Erin Brockovich of Steemit! She goes from hilarious to serious to hilarious again with every question. It was a blast to interview her.

For anyone just tuning in, the HOT SEAT is a Steemit talk show where your host ( that's ME!! ) asks the guests crazy/funny/interesting questions. All in good FUN and for FUN!

As always, I hope you will enjoy this interview just as much as I did!!
Let's begin!

Raz: Hello, @deviedev and thank you for being here. I know you are super mega busy so I double appreciate it.
Devie: Happy to be here!! At least, I think... I slept like 15 hours in the last 6 days so I take no responsibility for any of my answers :))

Q1: Your real name is Devin! What a name for a woman.This must have been weird at times, right?
Devie: Oh, you have no idea. It's fun at job interviews. Once, the receptionist has had to causally stress that the person in the waiting room is a woman, not a man. Disappointment all around, I'm sure :D ( still got the job though)
In college, I was assigned to the guys dorms. And while that may have been super sweet in theory, living with messy college dudes would be the reality. I notified the admin people rather fast.
R: Super sweet? why do you say that?
D: Well, there might be a movie or two with that exact same plot....
R: ..."Movies"...
D:HAHA. Yeap, those kind :D

Q2: You live in NY. Never been there so for me, NY is the movie-NY and especially the Seinfeld-NY. In Romania, Seinfeld was/is HUGE. What's the most Seinfeld-like situation you have personally experienced?
Devie: Ha, we love Seinfeld here too, don't worry. Hmm, this will sound mean buuuuut ny dog walker wants to be my best friend. She texts me multiple times a day about nothing dog-related
R:hahahah, wait, what about?!
D:Seriously, take a look at this!

Like, who the hell is Kathy?! But it's like...I need her! ugh...
R:This is hilarious.HAHAHAHA. How much does a dogwalker gets on ny these days?
D:Like 25$/hour but they are really life-saving!

Q3:Oh, man, 25$ for someone to walk the dog..that's crazy to me. Tell me what did you spend a fuckton of money on that people outside NY would be like "no way"?
Devie: I try to be rather frugal but...Funny story, actually. My husband and I were looking for somewhere upstate to go for the Fourth of July weekend. One place gave you the option to pay 400 to work on their farm for a day. We considered it for a second than yeah, nooooo!
R: PHEW! I'm proud of you!
D: Yeah, but they were almost fully booked so...Talk about a business idea!

Q4 : What would you play a round of Russian Roulette for?
Devie: That's a loaded question! (sorry, I had to) I don't think I could pull the trigger for any personal gain; there is nothing I want that bad. But I would play one round to alleviate world hunger...
R: Now I feel're too good of a person....
D: I mean, human suffering is the root of a lot of problems like violence. Keep everyone fed and I promise you the world would be a much more peaceful place.

Q5: Seriously, you are TOO GOOD! What would you wish on your worst enemy?!
Devie:uhm...Hiccups that never go away
R: That's cold!
D:At least they wouldn't be hungry after I play russian roulette, right?!

Q6: So, Devie, let's get serious for a second here. You see a lot of heavy stuff in your line of work, fighting the bad guys etc. What keep you up at night the most? What do you fear?
Devie: Every day I talk to people who are hurting or suffering in some capacity because of the negligence of others. It's anger and frustration that keeps me up at night. But if I had to pick ONE thing...
Right now, my biggest concern is contaminated drinking water. It is devastating and it is so pervasive. What's worse though, is that can be avoided if, for example, some company would just spend the extra $1,000 to line their toxic waste dump. Instead, 5,000+ people living near the facility get cancer and have to watch their closest family and friends die. Over a $1,000? Really?
That is just one example. But they all boil down to the same thing: money. And I hate it.

R:Wow. That's proper depressing...but you have their back..right?!(please say yes!)
D:I certainly try to. haha. well, not ME-ME, it's a huge effort by so many people.

A little surprise moment!

Inspired by your answer I maxed out my Photoshop effort to create...this!


Q7: Ok. Let's light up the mood a bit. What's something done sooner rather than later?
Devie: Putting ice cream back in the freezer. I am pretty upset when I remember I did not put it back!
R:I hate it too. Good answer.

Q8: I know you are married now but tell me a weird story from your dating life back in the day. Anything creepy?!
Devie: Oh, I have one!! I once had a guy call some old person with a van to give me a ride back home. This was before lyft and uber but the old guy was known I guess as some informal taxi service. For 5$ he'd just take you anywhere!
R:I don't think walking in a stranger's van is a good idea...
D:I know but I did it anyway. If you think about it the guys was running a one-person Uber business + I'm still here!

Last Q: I want to finish this with my classic question, what makes you optimistic about the future?
Devie: My husband and my dog seriously help lifting my mood after a long day.
Also, the fact that I really am lucky to know and work with so many passionate people, that are willing put work crazy hours to fight evil corporations and stuff....they do give me hope that things might work out somewhat!
And not to preach, but everyone can help. Stand up, start lobbying, send a message! The government is slow to act, so it's our job to make them do what's right. Or at least try :)


Thanks again @deviedev for joining me on the HOT SEAT! On a personal note, this was yet another different and surprising interview. I must stop saying this after each one :))
Also, don't forget that devie will keep answering any question you might have in the comments, so don't be shy :)

PS: Who's NEXT?!

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