We have a slider! What does it do?

Finally, a feature that was available only for people with over 100M vests but now the threshold is currently 1 mVest or about 310 SP!
It's the SLIDER!!

What does it doooo?

Basically, you can now vote with a percentage of your total voting power. You will give less money but you can vote on more stuff without pushing the VP into very low territory.
Personally, I'm incredibly excited - so much so that I literally CLAPPED! when I first saw it! - to see it go live as I have heard the big guys already had it and it's fun to use.

EDIT! People asked how to use it, some of you upvoted my post at 1% to test it out. So here are my guidelines!
I'd say that if your upvote is worth less than 15 cents, no reason to upvote POSTS you like at less than 100%. 1% when your upvote is so small it just does literally nothing. I also think that anything under 33% is kind of mean and sends a confusing message to the poster [ YES! I can see the % in steemstats.com and so can you!]
I'll use it mostly on comments because I want to reward good comments but still keep my VP for good posts. I'm using 33% for comments as of now and see how it goes.

If the new rules with the 5 votes instead of 40 be implemented, the slider will be your best friend :)
It's also great to upvote comments without burning all the gas. I LOVE UPVOTING GOOD COMMENTS!

So, if you have over 1M vests [ 310sp give or take] you can use it right away. Did you try it out?
What do you think?

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