Crypto Through the Eyes of the Human Animal / 从人类本性来看数字货币

Following on from the huge success of Steemit, I'm sure many Steemians have been telling friends and family about how great the platform is and how seamlessly the system actually works. Yesterday, I had a similar conversation with a good friend of mine about the reward potential of Steemit and initially, it seemed like the best thing since sliced bread!  


However, when I started explaining about "crypto" related topics concerning Steemit, our chat literally hit a brick wall. She was previously aware that I was now somewhat involved with Bitcoins, but never really revealed her feelings on this, until now. There was a lot of sceptisism and doubt about this strange new technology and how it's something that is just a passing fad. Well, I inquired on what basis she had reached this conclusion and pretty much the answer I got was "just because". Talk about looking through a mirror at my past self! I used to think exactly like that! But her opinion was formed on what basis exactly? 


Now, I am quite certain of two important points. 


1) Crypto is here and here to stay for good. It is just a matter of time until mass adoption spreads it's wings across the globe. 


2) Presently, people involved in crypto are the vast minority within society as a whole, with many people still unaware that it actually even exists. 


I used to be one of those people, but now realise all it takes is just a touch of "open-mindedness" and the rest simply falls into place. This is most definitely easier said than done, lol. But I believe if you just sit back for a moment and look a look at the bigger picture, there is no opinion that is "Right" or "Wrong". It's just our instinctive nature playing itself out. Just humans reacting in a human way.  

我曾经是其中的一员,而现在意识到我们所需要的不过是开放的思想和接受新事物的能力,其它一切也就顺理成章了。但现实往往说起来容易,做起来难。我相信,如果你坐下来冷静思考,从长远的角度来看,是没有 “对” 或 “错”的。这是我们人类的本性。   

Here are a few of my own personal thoughts on this. 


The Tangibility of an Asset  资产的有形性 

Technology has progressed in leaps and bounds to where our world is now functioning in a digital environment. The Internet revolution was a real revolution indeed. Yet the majority of people today still need to equate a physical object to having value. A house, a car, even physical "real world" money itself. It has to be something you can "see" with your own two eyes to show you that is it something you can actually possess. Even the use of a plastic bank card is a symbolic representation of your worth, as people can physically "hold" it and use it day to day.  

随着技术发展的飞跃,我们正生活在一个高科技环境里。互联网确实是一个大变革。然而,今时今日还有大多数人需要实物来代表价值,如房子,车子,和有物质形态“现实世界”的 钱。它是你能用双眼看到并实际占有的东西,即使用塑料做的银行卡也是象征你财富的实物,这是因为人们可以拿在手上并每天使用。 

Now, I'm quite positive about this mentality changing with time, hence my belief that crypto will be widely accepted in the future. For now though, this is the situation. 


But ask these same people how much is it's "real value" if you remove your rose-tinted glasses for just a second? The answer is almost nothing. It's in essence just a wrinkled piece of paper with some images and numbers printed on it. Same with the bank card, a small strip of embossed plastic. The value comes not from the medium, but from society itself.  


Take this analogy, for example. We have all been conditioned from infancy to look at physical money and perceive it as something of value. If, however, you are shown a currency from a country not familiar to you, that now looks like a useless piece of paper until you actually purchase something with it. Now that scrap of paper has gained a whole new meaning in your world. Something that now carries worth.  


The exact same concept can be applied to digital currencies, but with a slight tweaking of the rules. It may not be something you can actually hold in your hands, but the cold hard truth is that people around the world ARE purchasing goods and services with it right now! Society on a planetary level is giving crypto currencies like Steem, Bitcoin and the like, REAL value. At one point in history, we would barter for the things we needed in life. That was the currency for that time period. Things change, and whether we like it or not, as I mentioned before, the world has already gone digital via the Internet. All except money, until now!  


So now I ask you? What's more valuable? A stream of computer programmed code or a piece of paper?  


Herd Mentality for the Masses  从众心理 

Humans are social creatures. It's embedded into our DNA. We find strength in numbers. We will go along with what everyone else says in the hope that the mainstream train of thought is the correct one. However if we always stuck to that way of thinking, we would never have evolved as a species. The ones that actually strayed from the masses to improve on the current way of doing things and eventually did so, were regarded as pioneers and innovators. 


When we wish to learn something new, it's good to have the acknowledgement of our peers. For crypto, this could as seen as a good and a bad thing.  


1) Bad for now because it has not received the worldwide recognition it deserves and people would rather stay safe with everybody else and keep the existing system the same as it always was.  

1) 现在被认为是坏事,这是因为它还没有得到全世界的认可,人们为了安全起见,情愿保留在现有的传统货币系统下。 

2) Good for when the technological advancements of crypto are apparent enough to be universally accepted everywhere and adopted as a monetary tool by friends, family and colleagues. 


The latter will happen, I personally have no question of that, it is just a matter of time. But until that day comes, people will carry on behaving just as people do. 


Resistance Is Futile  抵抗是徒劳的 

People are usually never happy with change if it is out of their direct control. It's ingrained as our innate survival mechanism. Be it a change at home, in the workplace or our personal circumstances, the result is more often than not a negative one. We have spent all that time and effort getting used to our daily routine and having the rug pulled out from under us is always going to require a level of adaption to the new. But does adapting actually have to be a bad thing? Has change consistently worked out for the worse for us?  

人们通常不喜欢变革,因为结果不是他们能直接控制的。不管这个变革是在家里,公司或是个人场所,通常都不是消极的。 改变我们花时间精力养成的日常习惯,是需要一定对新事物的适应能力。但适应新的东西总是坏事吗?难道所有在我们生活里改变过的事情全都没有好结果? 

Look at Apple for instance, when Steve Jobs wanted a phone that could also act as a mobile computer, with Internet and high end media capabilities. People thought he'd lost it, but now we know his technology literally changed the world as we know it almost overnight. 

例如Apple, 当Steve Jobs想创造一个具有电脑功能,互联网和高端媒体设备的手机,所有人都以为他疯了。但现在我们知道他的技术在一夜之间完全改变了整个世界。 

The same thing was said of the Internet itself. A decentralised network of computers allowing the world to communicate. A great idea in theory, but this was met with the same response and look how that one worked out. 


There are countless examples like the above where the general consensus was a resounding no an "out-of-the-box" concept, even though it was improving on or solving an existing social issue. But sadly, we as a people seem to be pre-programmed to say NO, sometimes I've noticed even just for the sake of it. We don't want to be seen as different or out of place. But once we accept the fact that it is purely our human conditioning being naturally played out, surely we should start to see things from a clearer perspective and arrive at a more reasoned decision.  


I put this to you, hopefully without offending anyone. If millions today can believe in "the invisible man in the sky wanting people to live well and be good to others so that we all may find peace", surely it's not too hard to consider the idea of "an invisible currency on the Internet that helps people get richer and live better, including parts of the world where that may not have been possible before".  


Logic Will Prevail  逻辑将占上风 

I'm hoping this post reaches people who used to think the same way as I did. After all, all it takes really is looking at things from a slightly different point of view. Considering all the above, I came to the conclusion that all my points have one thing in common. 


"They all have a workable solution." 


Humans are a lot cleverer than we give each other credit for. We are an adaptive species by nature and time plays an important factor in acceptance for any breakthrough we make. But make no mistake, crypto currency solves many of the issues relating to conventional money and we are on the verge of a global monetary revolution. 


Naturally, crypto related problems will arise as adoption becomes more widespread, but I believe the benefits will prevail in the end. I myself couldn't see it for a long time and took the easy option of closing off doorways I didn't fully comprehend. I used to think exactly the same way as my friend does, but if I saw the light, then why can't everybody else too? 


We need to see the reasons behind why we act out in certain ways and do the things we do from a biological point of view. Changing the way we perceive new ideologies is then made all the more easier to implement. I see Steemit one day not needing the "$" symbol anymore as the Steem currency symbol would have eventually taken its place.  


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