The Steemit Gathering 2017

1 under trees.jpegIn your mind multiply this photograph by thousands. You are there with us while visiting and speaking of a new society and how together we are all making a change. We are the future, each of us.

The Steemit gathering became a spontaneous event for my family; @stellabelle ‘s reminder post appears before my eyes a day before going. In person visiting and getting to know each other and sharing information is much easier.

This type of party makes the interactions real. We’re looking forward to more fellowship as Steemit continues to grow. We know crypto is here to stay. If we don’t believe Steemit will continue to thrive and grow; who will?

If you get a chance go to one of these you will be surprised how fun it is. @stellabelle did a great job hosting this one.

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Image courtesy of @virtualgrowth

As you can see from this image the prize at the party is great. Stella is so generous with her creativity, thoughts, and money. We love you Stella. I have never met anyone quite like you.

*Of course a special shout out to @steevc who convinced me to return after getting me to join 8 months earlier. A great Steemian all the way. Thanks Steve or I would not be writing this post!

In closing I must quote Captain Picard of the starship Enterprise.

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My quote: Think of Star Trek where reputation is more important than money. Money is obsolete; with the advent of crypto currency.

Any Trekkies out there?

Steemian List at gathering:
@goatgarden thanks I copied your list ☺
(Anyone not mentioned include your name in comments.)

Thanks to each of you for a wonderful time!

Rebecca, Michael and Max Steemians forever ☺
Michael is going to use my account until his is approved and Max can't type.

Check out our other posts coming up:
Max selfies and adventure
Rebecca and Michael interests:
art, gardening, living foods, meditation, writing, music, life in general
The list goes on... namaste'

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