Every Link Needs to be Strong and When I Can Help, I Will Because That's the Steemian Way.

A few days ago, I met some new Steemians through general comments back and forth related to various tag topics. I found myself being the "older"  Steemian with more Steemit experience and resulting advice to offer in the group.

I diplomatically and patriotically think that it's the duty of all of us, with some Steemit time under our belts, to offer a hand to new minnows as they arrive. I make a point to do this and I know a lot of other Steemians practice this too. In fact, @solarguy, @jpiper20 and @papa-pepper extended their hands to me when I first arrived and I'll never forget their support and generosity...because they didn't have to help me.

One new person, in particular, really stood out to me in the last 48 hours. His name is @arsenal49.

He joined the Steemit community in March of this year and he's just getting his feet wet and learning how the platform works.

Through general conversation, I discovered that he lives in Denmark and he intimately knew of an alternative lifestyle community named Christania. It turns out that this "free" community is located right in the heart of Copenhagen. I was pretty excited about this information once I learned about it (and vaguely recalled watching a documentary about it a few years back).

Here's a link to Rick Steves' Europe YouTube episode about Christania which was posted on Nov. 27, 2009:

I encouraged @arsenal49 to go to Christania and then write a blog post about it so that everyone on Steemit could either learn about Christania for the first time or remember it, if they've heard of it before.

Like an old mother, I cautioned @arsenal49 to only go and cover the story "if" he felt he could do this without putting himself in harm's way. 

After our conversation, here's @arsenal49's post (from his perspective) as someone who has frequented Christania on numerous occasions: 


He wasn't sure if he would do it or not and I just offhandedly suggested that he send me a message if he did and I would look for it and give it a read.

I guess he must have been really motivated by the idea because in less than 24 hours, he was able to post his article.

Here in lies the challenge.

Due to the fact that @arsenal49 is "new to Steemit", the tags he originally chose weren't the best and hardly anyone saw his work.

So, with my 8-month of Steemit experience...(yeah it's still a bit of the blind leading the blind) I let him know that he could change all but his first tag. This happened and it's made a little bit of difference in the number of people who have been able to see his post about the fantastic "free" life of the people of Christania.

If you are so inclined, please check-out @arsenal49's blog post. Then, upvote and follow him, if you like what you see.

It's always a good time to help each other and when we do, the bonds that link our Steemit community together, get stronger.

~ Rebecca Ryan 

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