I Talk to "Perfect" Strangers About Steemit Whenever I Find Them Because "Paying It Forward" Is Important.

Every year my husband's family goes camping en mass as a large group of about 30 individuals. For @knarly327 and I, this means a 4 hour trip by car across the province we live in, so that we can meet the rest of the family and take part in the event.

The campground that we frequent is located just outside of a small city called Owen Sound. We usually only get to this city once a year when we go family camping. Once we got ourselves settled and visited with everyone, we ran into "town" to pick up some groceries and go to a few shops that we like to visit.

It was at one of these shops, that we just happened to park beside this vehicle.

I think when someone is driven to use their vehicle as a way to share information with others by painting on the windows, the least I can do is pay attention. 

Then, naturally make an effort to track them down to talk to them about Steemit...

Let me take you all the way around the vehicle, so that you can see what I saw, first hand.

  • "Television is Mind Control." (I couldn't agree more.)
  • "Prep Now." (I also couldn't agree more with the idea that being prepared is a sound strategy.)

  • "UN Agenda 21 Yikes!!" (Yikes is right! I don't like Agenda 21 either.)
  • "Look Up Chemtrails Look Up." (I agree with this too. Gone is our blue sky.)

  • "Research Pizzagate!!" (Unfortunately, I agree. Abuse of any person is wrong, but especially children.)
  • "Wake up!" (It is slowly happening. I have wished for others to wake up too. Now, I just hold space for them to gradually wake up in their own time and way.)

You can see that I was obligated. Each of their windows already contained an existing Steemit tag.

Into the store, I march to find the person(s) who own or owns this vehicle and at the very least, put Steemit's website in their hands.

The store was packed. It took a bit of sleuthing and I did my best. (That's all anyone of us can do.)

Along the way, I found some really cool, vintage stuff.


This is a personal massager and an industrial strength heating pad combined. Just look at the chrome on the motor. I bet this thing rattled teeth when it was used. It weighed an absolute tonne.

Then, I found this gem:

It looks like it's right off of the TV set of "The Dukes of Hazzard." That ran from 1979 - 1985.

@knarly327 took this picture and the reason for the slightly weird expression on my face is because he wanted me to sit on this contraption.  I am telling him (under my breathe), that there's no way in Hell that I was going to climb onto this death trap.

Then, I said "Don't you think it's bad enough that I'm stalking "the perfect" strangers in a store...for Steemit."

He thought I waged a good argument.

Lately, it seems like I am talking to at least one "perfect stranger" every day about Steemit. Most think I'm kooky and graciously humour me. I consider it my duty as a Steemer and I think giving folks a potential opportunity is one of the best "random acts of kindness" that I can engage in.

I welcome your comments and invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan

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