I have Google too

We are alive in the 21st century! It is the Information Age. Just as the Industrial Revolution ushered in the Industrial Age we now have the Digital Revolution leading us into the Information Age. We are a knowledge-based society in the midst of a high-tech global economy. This is not history. It is the present and we do not fully understand where all of this will take us.

Cryptocurrency is part of this. Some say the hype is over and the bubble has burst and this will result in us never again seeing the explosive growth of the recent past. However, just about no one claims that cryptocurrency will go away. It is here to stay, with its precise position in the importance of things still to be determined.

Information is our treasure. We have more of it than ever before. More new information is developed in one day now than what was discovered in whole centuries early on. It is available freely at the press of a button. Yet we want more!


When I want to know something, I google it. When I need to do something new, I watch one of a hundred Youtube videos of people showing me how to do it. My biggest challenge is picking the one I'm going to watch.

According to Google Trends the top five names googled in 2017 are these:

  1. Matt Lauermore
  2. Meghan Marklemore
  3. Nadia Toffamore
  4. Harvey Weinsteinmore
  5. Kevin Spacey

Do you think we are able to keep ourselves busy with better things?

This leads me to my next question.

Why do you google stuff and share it with me here on Steemit?

I have access to Google too! If I wanted to know it, I would have googled it myself.

It is a challenge to constantly create content, maybe the biggest challenge of blogging. I want to take this opportunity to remind you of something.

The most unique thing you have to offer to us here on Steemit is yourself! Your thoughts. Your opinions. Your experiences. Your advice. The rest we can all google if we wanted to.

We all have the same basic ingredients with which to bake this cake. The one ingredient that no one else has, is you! It is the ingredient that could cause everyone to want to read your blog.

How many thoughts do you have in a day? Well, I googled it... 😏 😁 😇

Many people seem to think that we have about 70 000 thoughts a day! But the number goes much higher and as low as 12 000. I have no idea who is right. When I was 18 I mostly thought about sex, over and over again. Does that count as separate thoughts? Now, I'm nearly 50 and I'm mostly thinking about food and 12 000 thoughts seem to be a very high number to reach in one day...

Bottom line. You have something to offer that no one else has. Something that I cannot google. Something that no Bot will be able to find or mimic.

Everyone has something to say. Say it well and be heard.

I, for one, am interested in your story. Your thoughts. Your experiences. Your message. Please share it with us!

To best explain this, I will be sharing a couple of stories from my own life in my next blogs. I hope you will pop in to read them.


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