This is why you should buy Coke instead of Pepsi. I hope this message gets to Pepsi (and Coke for that matter)! Please resteem :-)


I had just got back to the office and I bought 3 twelve packs of Diet Pepsi because they were out of Coke Zero. When I was taking the Pepsi into the office, I grabbed a box of Pepsi by the handle in the center of the box. I'm pretty sure that is why it was put there lol. Right when I closed the car door the handle in the Pepsi box ripped in the box fell to the ground.


I started to clean up the mess and I noticed that six of the Pepsi cans had burst. So I finally came terms with the fact that I had lost six Pepsis.


When I was inside putting the Pepsi away I noticed the Coke Zero box. I started comparing the two. The Coke zero boxes notably thicker. After comparing the two I realized that the Pepsi box was way too thin to use the built-in handle.


Then I started realizing that I have dropped many 12 packs of Coke Zero in the past and I don't once remember any of the cans exploding. So I started comparing the two cans. I fondled the two cans for a while and to me the Coke Zero can was notably stronger just like the boxes.


I finished putting them away and work for a little while. I went outside to have a smoke and I remembered I still had one Pepsi box in the car. So I went to grab it and the handle broke just like the last one!!!


My conclusion is that Pepsi and is trying to cut their costs to the ultimate consumers detriment and that Coke is putting out a good product . I was going to submit a complaint to Pepsi and then I thought of a great idea!!!


Post it on steemit and ask all my fellow Steemians to help me get my message to Pepsi. If this works then it is sure to make international news therefore giving steemit some great exposure. Things go viral every day on the Internet. There is no reason why this can't!

So my fellow Steemians, I call upon you for help :-) Lets make this happen!!!!! This one project could be instrumental in the next heard flocking to steemit! Project Pepsi - international news launched!!!


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